
Kathleen Dickson is a pharmaceutical chemist and a whistleblower for the Lyme vaccine.

Fungal-Viral Synergy - Fungal contaminated vaccines. What happens when you inject fungi at the same time as the live viruses? They become activated.

Dr Andrew Moulden mysteriously died.
He never lost in vaccine court.

I shall spend some time reading about Kathleen Dickson and Dr Andrew Moulden and get back to you on that one, they're both new to me.
I want to as politely and decently as possible explain to you that referring to Autism as brain damage is incredibly offensive and only highlights to me that you are not particularly knowledgeable on the subject. I would recommend that you spend some time with some Atypical people of various ages, and maybe allocate some of your research time to reading both academic papers and maybe some personal experiences of people with various forms of Autism and get back to me.

My group has Autistic kids !
Yet again you do not know me and all you do is criticize me .
I know a lot of people and the cures they are using to treat all the harm created from vaccinations. I suggest you research what I provide with an open mind.

Try going outside your group. I am criticising your ability to speak to me in your own words, explain to me your experiences. I've said from the beginning, I want to understand your perspective. My mind is open sir, I beg you, please answer my questions.
You have made many claims, and when asked for proof, what you offer are third-party biased pieces written with an agenda. You claimed that now 1 in 36 people are diagnosed as having Autism, and yet the link you provided said no such thing. I asked you to explain, and again you didn't.
I am also criticising your claims that there is a cure for autism. I have already asked someone on this thread to provide me with their homeopathic remedy, I will give it a go. I am very open to negotiating terms on this proposal, I will give it a go! How can I be any more open-minded?
I also said Atypical people of various ages, and I should have said outside of your group. It seems that you lead a fairly alienated life because of your beliefs, based upon a comment you made regarding Facebook.
Autism is not brain damage. I will repeat this till the day I die. I will counter every post you make making such a ridiculous claim. Or that you can cure autism with your remedies. If you are unable to face scrutiny for your bold claims, unable to provide valid and reliable evidence for these claims then you will not convince anyone but the most gullible, those who want to believe this because it places blame on someone.

Silver Ozone

Convince anyone ?

You definitely waste your time here .

I was once you and believed all the lies .

So all the immunologists , virologists , toxicologist , neurologists and biochemists I know are all quacks .

Like I said before don't waste your time here I DON'T think like you anymore !
Please and thanks !

I sincerely doubt you're capable of thinking like me brother.
You say I am closed minded, that I have an agenda. The only agenda I have is to fight misinformation that is harmful to society as a whole. I will counter your bollocks with reason and logic. You are welcome to converse with me, provide the evidence you don't want to share, or maybe actually put something in your own words.
I have time to devote to this, you see it's a issue that is very close to my heart. If I can ensure that an alternative perspective is delivered in response to yours, then I'm happy.

So glad I don't think like that anymore .

I will some it up for you.

Drug Thugs Big pHARMa and the Rockefeller Funded medical schools < Ignorant Doctors trusting LIARS > 26 doses of vaccines the first year of life > injecting 12 diseases >
Aluminum + Polysorbate 80> Over stimulated microglia and astrocytes
constantly pouring out pro inflammatory cytokines during the immunological programming of the brain >
Cytokine storm > Brain inflammation > Encephalopathy > Demyelination > Damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds
nerve fibers in your brain, optic nerves and spinal cord > Nerve impulses slow or even stop > Find out you have the MTHFR Gene mutation > Neurological problems > Oh it is just a fever ! > that is normal when neurotoxins cross the blood brain barrier > Just take tylenol >
Great deplete your glutathione which is necessary for the removal of heavy metals > Next well baby visit more doses > More Aluminum >
More activation > More inflammation More destruction > Autism.

Try building a house in a storm.

#1 cause of Autism?

Ignorant Doctors trusting liars.

Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject neurotoxins, antibiotics, antigens, preservatives,
adjuvants, stabilizers, buffers, emulsifiers, polysorbate 80, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, live viruses, egg protein,
human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, and protein from human blood into any person to prevent any disease is
completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health!

What do you think autistic kids have going on?
Neuroglial activation!