I am certainly not getting aggressive. I am asking for numbers which you are unable to provide, and questions you seem unwilling to answer.
Why are the reports of vaccine injury (see the VAERS database) ignored, and why are these people sent to a separate court to be compensated (if they are lucky)?
One cannot do an accurate risk/benefit analysis without all the numbers.
I'd encourage you to take me up on my offer to formally debate this in a polite setting with a neutral moderator.
You guys keep bringing up the VAERS database like it's not one sided. Do they collect data on all the hundreds of thousands of cases of successful vaccinated children?
The VAERS database is for reports of vaccine injury. No one has made the claim that they collect other information. I am simply asking why the VAERS reports are not considered by the CDC or other such groups when attempting to establish accurate data regarding risk factors for vaccination.