HHS Was Sued and Settled for Not Testing Vaccines for Safety

in #vaccines6 years ago (edited)

The non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has won a lawsuit filed against Health and Human Services (HHS) for failure to conduct vaccine safety testing.

ICAN has a network of 5 million people and 55 organizations that support it. In 2017, they tried to hold the HHS accountable for failing in it's legal duty to perform vaccine safety testing. A notice was sent to the acting secretary of the (HHS), Mr. Don Wright, M.D., M.P.H., stating a failure in their duty to do the scientific research to validate the safety of vaccines. The notice asked for the HHS to remedy this negligence and do their duty by law.

Sources: pixabay, pixabay

Nothing happened, as you might been expected.

Del Bigtree, the director of Vaxxed, recently interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about this case. Bigtree and Kennedy Jr. had previously went to a meeting at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) "to talk to the heads of our health department and explain what issues" they had.

When bringing up the lack of safety testing and improper surveillance of vaccine injuries, they were met with no response. This is despite the fact that reported injuries from vaccines in 2016 was at 59,711, but that doesn't seem to be significant for them to surveil and monitor or perform testing to ensure the safety of. The NIH admitted that the surveillance of capturing adverse vaccine events (injuries) was only at 1% of the actual total. if what they say is accurate, then that means there are about 5.9 million vaccine injuries in the US (1% at 59,000 = 5.9 million at 100%).

Vaccine safety law

There is a need for testing of vaccine safety. It's even a law that was established after the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act which gave vaccine manufacturers immunity from being sued by the public. A federal vaccine compensation fund was set up to settle vaccine injury cases instead.

Under the Act, the government was required to test for vaccine safety (From Title 42-THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE; §300aa–27. Mandate for safer childhood vaccines):

  • (a) General rule
    In the administration of this part and other pertinent laws under the jurisdiction of the Secretary, the Secretary shall-
    - (1) promote the development of childhood vaccines that result in fewer and less serious adverse reactions than those vaccines on the market on December 22, 1987, and promote the refinement of such vaccines, and
    - (2) make or assure improvements in, and otherwise use the authorities of the Secretary with respect to, the licensing, manufacturing, processing, testing, labeling, warning, use instructions, distribution, storage, administration, field surveillance, adverse reaction reporting, and recall of reactogenic lots or batches, of vaccines, and research on vaccines, in order to reduce the risks of adverse reactions to vaccines.

  • (b) Task force
    - (1) The Secretary shall establish a task force on safer childhood vaccines which shall consist of the Director of the National Institutes of Health, the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control.
    - (2) The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall serve as chairman of the task force.
    - (3) In consultation with the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines, the task force shall prepare recommendations to the Secretary concerning implementation of the requirements of subsection (a).

  • (c) Report
    - Within 2 years after December 22, 1987, and periodically thereafter, the Secretary shall prepare and transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate a report describing the actions taken pursuant to subsection (a) during the preceding 2-year period.


But the government isn't doing what is called for. Vaccines have risks, but they aren't being dealt with by the government who is supposed to make sure vaccine safety improves. Vaccines appear to be the only product being made that is immune to lawsuits when they cause harm. Big pharma doesn't have to do these test, they have their asses protected from lawsuits. They are immune. The only one that is supposed to be doing it is the government.

A task force was supposed to be put together to achieve:

licensing, manufacturing, processing, testing, labeling, warning, use instructions, distribution, storage, administration, field surveillance, adverse reaction reporting, and recall of reactogenic lots or batches, of vaccines, and research on vaccines, in order to reduce the risks of adverse reactions to vaccines.

Del Bigtree wanted to find the data from the HHS itself to see what documented work they were doing. He filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request through the ICAN non-profit that he founded. Recall from the law passed by Congress, there is supposed to be a 2-year periodic report starting from 1987.

The HHS was supposd to respond within 20 days. After a month, no response. Then they pushed the HHS, by telling them they would file a case against them if they didn't respond. That got their attention, and after 6 months of the FOIA request, they responded, but not with the documents. That's when Bigtree decided to file a simple lawsuit.


It asked for documents to prove they were doing what they were mandated to do. The HHS could either :
1- give all the documents that relate to the FOIA request showing safety testing, surveillance, etc., was done
2- give a credible explanation for why they can't give the documents
3- admit they don't have anything because they haven't been doing their job

The case went to court, and the ICAN won with a court-ordered stipulation, which admitted they have no documents:

"The department's searches for records did not locate any records responsive to your request. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Immediate Office of the Secretary (IOS) conducted a thorough search of its document tracking system and the Department also conducted a comprehensive review of all relevant indexes of HHS Secretarial correspondence records maintained at federal record centers that remain in the custody of HHS.

These searches did not locate records responsive to your request, or indicate that records responsive to your request and in the custody of HHS are located at Federal Records Center."


If the vaccine companies aren't doing the testing and surveillance, and the government's HHS isn't, then no one is. Even Congress who put the law into effect hasn't even requested to see the 2-year periodic reports to make sure the work was being done. It's all fallen into the cracks and been swept under the rug.

Government sock puppets for vaccine industry

In the interview with Kennedy Jr., Bigtree asks him why this matters:

Here’s the background, Del. When Congress gave economic immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing and administering vaccines in 1986, they were removing any kind of economic incentive for those companies to actually maintain or improve, or guarantee the safety of vaccines.
Every other product has an incentive to make their product safe from manufacturing defects because they know that they can get sued by people who are injured.
But in this case, that check and balance was being removed.
So Congress, in order to remedy that gaping hole in economic incentives, assigned specifically to HHS the obligation to make sure vaccines were safe.
And one of the key parts of that obligation, and this is all in the 1986 act, one of the key pieces of that obligation was a mandate that every two years that HHS makes a safety profile of the vaccines htat it has approved, and that it informs Congress what it has done during those past two years to improve vaccine safety.
And we couldn’t find any record of any of those reports over the past 32 years.
So we sued HHS, we filed a FOIA request, they did not produce any documents. We sued them and they have now admitted they have never done any of that testing and they have never filed any of those reports.
And really, Del, what it shows is the lackadaisical, cavalier, the casual attitude of HHS has towards vaccine safety.
As you know, the vaccine industry and the [pharmaceutical] cartel has done an extraordinary job of kind of disabling all of the institutions in a democratic society that are intended to protect little children from greedy corporations.
So they have turned the regulatory agencies, FDA, HHS, and CDC into sock puppets and disabled Congress.

Failure to protect children/victims

Kennedy Jr. goes out to explain the failure of these institutions to protect the children:

Most Americans don’t understand this, that prior to being licensed, every other pharmaceutical drug and product has to go through rigorous, randomized, double-blind, placebo testing.
So instead of five-year tests with true placebos, vaccines sometimes get only a few hours of safety testing or a few days.
And of course, that’s not long enough to spot the injuries with long incubation periods like autism, like ADHD, food allergies, auto-immune diseases.
You give an injection and you stop looking after the fourth day. And if the baby has a seizure on the fifth day, or they get an auto-immune disease three years later, or they’re diagnosed with autism four years later, essentially, in reality that never happened.

Promises of Donald Trump

Bigtree then asks what is happening with Donald Trump's campaign claims to help vaccine-injured parents. Kennedy Jr. responded:

The White House, almost a year ago, cut off all communication with me and with our community.
So Donald Trump during the election said things that were very encouraging and that inspired a lot of hope, particularly with the parents of vaccine-injured kids, the mothers of the intellectually-disabled children who believe that it was vaccines that caused their child’s injury.
And there are a lot of those people out there and they are a very active and intense political community and Donald Trump won them over with his statements during that campaign.
After that campaign he asked me to run a Vaccine Safety Commission, but I think immediately he got blow-back from the pharmaceutical industry and we’ve seen the steps this administration has taken since that day, which is essentially to put pharmaceutical industry shills in charge of HHS and CDC and FDA and the other agencies that regulate vaccinations to cut off communication with our community.

The fight continues

The pharmaceutical cartels have erected a religious orthodoxy around vaccines and their safety, despite evidence to the contrary. The media, agencies and institutions that are supposed to protect people have become sock puppets to the industry. Bigtree and Kennedy Jr. have more legal actions planned to move things forward more. Kennedy Jr. says they "have a lot of different arrows in [their] quiver" to make larger impressions in the legal system after their recent success. Bigtree ends the interview iterating a similar analogy: "A quiver full of legal remedies are being lined up, the bows are being pulled."

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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The question needs to be asked why is it so important for them to force these harmful vaccines on our kids? I don't believe it is primarily because of the money.

Money is a factor, but the motive to weaken the natural immune system, inject toxins, otherwise undermine health or another nefarious reason is possible ;)

Amazing, amazing article. Should be THE HEADLINE NEWS STORY in every major American daily in every major American city tomorrow morning.

Something tells me it probably won't be though. BIG PHARMA is a huge tentacle of the deep state octopus for sure. Time we whacked it right off!!

Yeah it should, but it won't, because the myth pervades and anyone suggesting otherwiseis a crackjob nutter anti-vaxxer :/

Yes, but there more of us by the day, and fewer and fewer of the true nut job pharma class. One day the Emperor is bound to realize he is naked.

Great post, thank you! I think this is a huge win for the community that wants vaccines to actually work. I would support them if they actually worked, didn’t have a slew of poisons in them and weren’t killing or permanently disabling people.
One of the amusing phrases of the article was that the law said they have to “make or assure improvements.” As we can see they are making a whole hell of a lot of assures they are safe and effective!

Yes, make them work, and make them safe and not force them when they are unsafe for people.

Frustrating isn't it? I shared this news on my page as well and attempted to share it with my audience across other platforms but most are simply uninterested. Great overview. Thanks for speaking on this topic! Truly one of the most important conversations of our time.

Yeah, ppl are so conditioned they don't want to think outside of the consensus "truth".

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