Big pharma corporations have a reduced incentive to create the safest vaccines possible because they are not directly held accountable in the US. They can't be sued for any of their vaccines causing injury or even death. They don't lose a single penny from being sued, because they can't be sued.
This inability to sue them came as a result of a 1986 law that gave pharmaceutical companies total immunity from being sued. This created a shield over them and prevented a feedback penalty from creating harmful products that would disincetivize making vaccines that result in harming people. People would instead be paid for injury from vaccines by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in 1988.
The federal Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) has held meetings at least twice per years since 2006 in order to make "recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues relating to the operation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)". The second meeting of 2018 was recently concluded on June 15th. Included in these meetings are reports from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injury or deaths.
The DOJ publishes their litigation reports for settlements each quarter. The June 15th 2018 report is from 2018-02-16 to 2018-05-15, and indicates 263 petitions were filed for compensation (240 adults, 23 minors), with 147 cases adjudicated and 113 compensated. But out of the 113 compensated, only 68 are listed in settlements.
Here is the list of the 68 cases, with the vaccine, injury and time taken to reach a settlement (found starting on page 12 of the report):
Take note that out of the 68 settlements, 53 are from the flu vaccine. That's the most common vaccine being given in the public, with 78% of settlements for the flu vaccine. Also notice that one of the settlements wasn't for an injury from the flu shot, but a death. It would seem that the flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine. The most common injuries are Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) which leads to paralysis.
SIRVA can lead to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion, and shoulder-related injuries such as Adhesive Capsulitis or Frozen Shoulder Syndrome.
Who Pays for Settlements
The funds to pay for vaccine injuries or deaths comes from vaccine manufacturers through an excise tax of $0.75 that is imposed on each disease that is prevented by a vaccine. If a vaccine treats 3 diseases, then it is taxed 3x $0.75 which is $2.25.
This means vaccine manufacturers are paying a tax to cover the costs of harmful vaccination outcomes, even if a vaccine has no nasty ingredients and has only helped and never harmed anyone. It's a tax on all vaccines. A company that makes a vaccine that harms more people than others isn't getting charged more. They don't have to pay compensation to victims themselves. The only drawback is loss of sales from sales being cut.
The vaccine industry has all manufacturers cover vaccine injuries through a tax on all of them which makes them each immune from being sued. Vaccines can be made that harm people, and they don't have to worry about being sued. The whole 'cabal' foots the bill and each is insulated within the industry.
Vaccine production has increased since 1986, both because of technology, but also because of the incentive to make money and not have to pay the bill for being sued anymore. Even when a vaccine has many negative outcomes to harm those who receive it, like Gardasil, the vaccine lobby is strong enough to keep the pressure of using it in place and keep harming more people as they continue to make money.
The CDC is the biggest vaccine buyer, spending $4 billion each year, funded by tax payers. Tax payers may not be directly funding the NVICP for compensating the vaccine injured, but manufacturers can easily pass the excise tax onto the buyer, and somewhere along the line is people paying for it, either indirectly through taxes or directly by having to pay for a vaccine themselves or through their medical insurance that they pay for.
In the end, we pay for the vaccines, then we can't sue them if we or a family member is injured or dies from a vaccine. We have to go to a special vaccine court that can sometimes takes years to reach a settlement.
Vaccine Injured Higher Than Indicated
Prior to 1986, there were many lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers that they were overwhelmed and lobbied blackmailed the government to grant them legal immunity or they would stop making vaccines at all. Vaccines are so harmful that they can't survive in a free market.
Even with the NVICP to compensate victims of vaccines, many people don't know about this fund. In 2014 the first ever Government Accounting Office (GAO) report on the NVICP "Vaccine "Court" criticized the government on that point. This means that even with the DOJ report showing 263 petitions and 68 settlements, these are a fraction of the real number of vaccine injured. There are probably more vaccine injuries and deaths in reality, but people haven't sought legal remedies for injuries because they don't know they exist.
Doctors can report vaccine injuries or death to the The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), but some possibly don't know what that looks like, and if they do they can be pressured to not report it, since in our present times to claim a vaccine causes harm is often professional suicide.
One nurse's story talks about how many children go to the E.R. for vaccine reactions, and the correlation to vaccines is not reported to VAERS:
"I cannot even begin to guess how many times over the years I have seen vaccine reactions come through my E.R. Without any exaggeration, it has to be counted in hundreds."
"Once, I was training a nursing student, about to graduate, on their E.R. experience rotation in nursing school. This student and I floated up to triage to cover the triage nurse for a break. I was quizzing them on what to ask and look for as a triage nurse on pediatric kids that came through. I made a point about asking about immunizations right out the gates. The student was puzzled, and asked why, and I told the student because we see vaccine reactions every day and it's their job to catch it, alert the doctor and the parents, and report it to VAERS."
"For all the cases I've seen, I have NEVER seen any medical provider report them to VAERS. I have filed VAERS reports. But I am the ONLY nurse I have EVER met that files VAERS reports. I also have NEVER met a doctor that filed a VAERS report. ... VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported."
"We lie. As a profession. (I don't.) But as a profession, we lie, we rug sweep the risks, and we sugar coat it. We do it every day with every interaction. That is the truth of it."
Austism Ignored
To make matters worse, the NVICP ignored claims of autism caused by vaccines, mostly from the MMR vaccine. Autism became the most reports vaccine injury brought before the vaccine court. By 2010, 13,330 cases were filed, and 5,617 were autism cases. That's 42% of all cases! The trust fund of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund could not handle it. Of the 13,330, 2,409 were compensated, with 5,933 still pending and the rest dismissed. Most of the remaining cases were for autism.
To get rid of the hassle from autism claims, 3 test cases were selected to determine if there was any validity to the rest of the claims. Appointed judges ruled that vaccines were not the cause of autism, and applied those rulings to all other cases, throwing them out with on one getting compensated.
Hundreds of thousands of children and their families have been denied compensation damages as a result. This was done through the Omnibus Autism Proceeding. To this day, no one can file with the vaccine court to sue for vaccine injury compensation based on autism. The official position remain that vaccines do not cause autism.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
References: U.S. Government Continues to Pay Millions in Vaccine Injuries and Death Settlements | Report from the Department of Justice | CDC’s Purchase of $4 Billion of Vaccines a Conflict of Interest in Overseeing Vaccine Safety | ER Nurse Shares His Experiences With Vaccine Reactions | Omnibus Autism Proceeding
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As a parent the vaccine thing is one of the hardest parts of being a parent medically. My fiancee's brother has autism, and there is a thought he may have gotten it from vaccines. However some vaccines do help with major issues like Polio, measles etc. So it is like walking on the edge of a razor blade, the children need certain vaccinations, but they could be permanently damaged from them if something goes wrong. So as a parent what do you do? Try to spread them out? Slow down the schedule? Not get them at all? Or just do what the doctors say and pump your kids full of vaccines? It is a really tough situation they have put parents in.
In the same boat. My sister has epilepsy and mild retardation which I now suspect is due to childhood vaccines. My parents won't admit though, super brainwashed by the government and media and think doctors are saints. Really not sure what the correct solution is except to go with your gut. You get fear tactics from the pro and con vaccine sides. There are many ways to build immunity, through good food, healthy habits, exercise...etc.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah go with the gut, probiotics are one key to helping prevent issues with this stuff I think as well.
Get the ones you had as a child. Separate injections: measles, mumps etc.
Yeah that is one tactic.
Not the last choice... :/
Excellent post, @krnel! I can see how much work you put into this - very thorough so I know this topic must be very important to you.
I think that people need to understand that this isn't about "Anti" vaccine and if people took the time to read the real data, the insert that comes with the vaccine and actually read the 'side effects' and ingredients, they might understand that this can't be good for anyone's body. Even our pets. The inserts clearly state that they can cause nervous system and immune system disorder and that they are not tested for causing cancer - they also state that they are not tested for 'gene mutation' (ie cancer and a whole host of diseases).
This isn't about 'anti-vaccine', this is about making vaccines 'safe' - and if they work and that can be proved over other options, then great! Give people the option to choose AT LEAST. And why not open it up to 'new' pharmaceutical companies that have a little more integrity and trust of the public? Why do the vaccines have to be made by just a handful of companies that have an incredibly bad track record for their products?
Sounds reasonable? Doesn't it?
I was actually injured by the tetanus vaccine - took me YEARS to recover and I almost lost my life from it. My children got 106 temps from the dTap vaccines. And I can't tell you how many friends and family members have children with dysfunctional immune system, autism, learning problems or behavioral disorders. Autism itself has gone up 300% - 1 in 40 children. What about immune diseases? How many people do you know that have some sort of immune problem?
This is 'not normal'. It's great for the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical companies, but it's not for quality of life and families suffering/dying.
It would be 'reasonable' to look at 'why' this is happening in order to remove the insult to health and well-being. After all, having a healthy population is crucial to survival and having a healthy world. And if you care about your pets, that new statistics for cancer for them is 1 to 1 (that is unacceptable)
So instead of people dividing themselves on this side or that sad, doesn't it make more sense to 'investigate the cause' so that it can be 'fixed'?
Why not allow other options or other pharmaceutical companies create vaccines that are tested, don't have this un-necessary toxic ingredients. I am sure given that, most people would opt for the lesser toxic vaccine or some other alternative option that addresses contagious diseases. And everyone's happy.....except maybe the pharmaceutical companies and patent holders that make the dangerous ones.
Thank you :) Damn, it sucks that you had to experience negative effects to know the truth of their harm. Yes, why not just make them safer? Big mystery there why the health and safety of vaccines isn't more a concern... maybe there are nefarious reasons to keep things as they are... :/
Thank you, @krnel. 3 years of every kind of doctor you could imagine and at the end of that nightmare was told there was nothing they could do but load me up with chemo and kill everything off in my body to see what came back.....oh, and I would never be able to have children. Long story short, I had a most strange knock at my door with a list of doctors by a neighbor that was a stranger to me and never socialize with anyone. On that list was a functional medical doctor. What did I have to lose? ha! I went and it changed my life....literally. Two years of cleaning out what the vaccine left behind and I was in total remission and given blessings to go home and have my children. Saved my life and I have two boys as a result. I went from being unable have the energy to 'speak' (among other things) to running around after toddlers having my life back. I write this for anyone else here that finds themselves sick - functional doctors know how to clear the body of the damage these toxins and piggy bag viruses do - it's truly amazing. So, happy ending ;)
I did just lose my cousin to Lou Gehrig's Disease (something that a lot of VET's get) and has been linked to certain vaccines....ALS is, of course, a 'gene mutation'....most not familial. And I had my sweet dog get "Cushings" from vaccines because they followed up her vaccine with cortisone shots because her immune response was too strong. And she developed a nasty , rare blood cancer (she was 1 of 2 dogs in the world with this blood cancer)....also a 'gene mutation' which can also be linked to 'benzenes'. It's all really just the same disease presenting in different ways depending on the specific gene that is mutated. Natural gene mutation is not so easy to create and very rare to happen on its own - it takes either 'chemical or radiation' to produce. So given that, I healed my dog of polycythemia using oxygen and various detox/chelation intervention. Did the fancy scientists and doctors following her case care what I did (they were all very interested in her case when she was dying- because she had 3 diseases at once and they didn't expect her to live past a week....she was worthy of a medical write-up)? No, they were not interested. I found an old military record in some obscure library online from the 1950's where polycythemia was mentioned - usually occurring where a soldier was exposed to 'benzenes' so they would flush it out with oxygen and all was returned. Interesting, don't you think? How many diseases now are caused by 'gene mutations' and how much money is being spent on expensive 'gene therapy research and medicine'? BILLIONS
People don't need to have their 'genes' turned on and off (holy moly) - CRISPR is one that comes to mind (this is very dangerous!) - we need to stop this insanity and find the cause of this very 'rare' occurrence of gene mutation occurring at an escalating rate. It's so obvious that it is something in our environment (as well these crazy flu viruses like retroviruses that are popping up all over the place - they cause diabetes!). But instead of clearing out the toxins or viruses, they'll just turn off the genes responsible for the 'response'. And genes have multiple functions, not just one. Crazy.
LOL! I guess this is a trigger subject for me, @krnel as are all injustices. I would delete this monstrosity of words I've created but maybe they will help someone else.
As always, AWARENESS is key
When it really comes down to it a vaccine is simply a clear unknown liquid that gets injected into you. We trust that it does what it's supposed to do and that there is nothing sinister behind it. Why would they lie?
Also, who is "they"? The developers? The creators? The transporters? The doctors? We have to trust them all. My trust is in short supply these days.
Yup, me too, ppl need to stop all t he blind trust.. it just makes us fools :/
Great post. What many people don’t understand is that those who question vaccines and their use aren’t all opposed to the purpose of vaccines. They are opposed to the poisons they put into them! It’s frustrating when they are harassed and people won’t give them conversation to put forward their point. They get flamed and harassed and the cognitive dissonance cycle completes itself.
Yeha, some ppl short-circuit and can't think rationally, it's all emotional responses :/
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
Glad to see you are ok. I assume you made it off on your trip and all is well. Have been keeping an eye out for you to post in my feed.
Yes I made it. And thanks for "looking out.". Taking a bit of readjusting to mainland after almost 8 years if island life but amazing getting to be around family and dear friends. I'll be back to posting soon. Mahalo my friend.
Now this is totally concentrating on the saying as Vaccine is harmful and in my opinion this is the time when genuine Medical Professionals should come forward to tell the reality because in my opinion many from the medical profession knows the reality of Vaccination but in very less case the truth is conveyed means, at least people should know the definite answer means Vaccination "Good" or "Bad".
And i always want to appreciate those people who deep dive into the subject to bring out the truth which is hidden and we need more truthful people because nowadays we are standing on peak days means from here we can create beautiful lives all over the world while standing with truth or if we stay untruthfully then for sure our lives will remain miserable.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
There is good and bad, the problem is denial of the bad and only claiming good :/
That's the truth and cruel manipulation.
Excellent article.
However, I think there is one tidbit that seems incorrect:
Unless I misheard, I'm pretty sure I heard that it was that the CDC takes in $4 billion a year as revenue from vaccines!
My source was from one of the 7 episodes of The Truth about Vaccines (see also their YouTube channel).
Thanks for the correction.
Omg is now where safe from anti vaxxer loonies?
The only reason why you're alive and healthy is due to vaccines. FFS!
go live in a 3rd world country and you will see how bad it is. People used to die of the common cold now it's an annoying thing you get every few months. You probably don't even know it exists.
Oh boy you’re so wrong.. we are alive due to increased hygiene, better diet, easier access to healthcare, clean water. When these ‘vaccines’ were being widely introduced their diseases were on a precipitous downtrend. Don’t be so biased when you research vaccine information please. No vaccine is subject to true scientific studies; there are no double blind studies. How can one make a scientific judgement that it actually works when they don’t study a non-vaccinated control group?
Many people aren’t against the concept of vaccines. We are against their -ingredients-. The poisonous adjuvants they use like mercury, aluminum, peanut oil and that doesn’t even take into effect all of the other ingredients such as bovine DNA, aborted fetal cells and many others. Please, like I said don’t be so biased in your opinion. Open your eyes.
Well said!
Thanks but I doubt they even read my comment :( oh well we can hope they did!
Your right. They probably didn't. That would require an open mind.
Because we have nutritional deficiencies from nature NOT drug and vaccine deficiencies from science.
People still vaccinate ?
Not sure which stance you’re taking. Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing? Regardless thanks for reading.
Why so angry about it? Did the name calling make your position more tenable?
This really doesn't bolster your second statement, as there is no vaccine for the common cold. I have to question the motivations of those who get angry that some would prefer not to be injected with mercury and a host of other substances. There is a large amount of data to suggest big pharma and their pimps (doctors) sometimes push harmful substances on the public, as evidenced by the class action lawsuits that spring up regularly.
Excellent expose, krnel!
May I just add?: the big pharmas are also disincentivized to create really good and effective vaccines, because if/when they actually work, they take potential profits from their "remedies" business.
Thanks for the article krnel, yeah I have also read that the mercury content in vaccines are detrimental to our health even though it's in small amounts.
Yes, mercury soft metal is not good for the brain :/
It has a notion that vaccination is the only option to be free of diseases but this is wrong. There are too many vaccines which are not any doing good. This is doing just to make big pharma companies more rich. There are many side effects of these vaccines but the government is pushing people to take vaccines so that this business may survive for eternity.
Yes, there are some serious issues with vaccines, and there are other alternatives in some cases, even if some of them are beneficial.
I do believe vaccines have at times benefited society. That was decades ago. Had a free market remained, beneficial vaccines may have remained also, but targeting issues that requirevaccines. Once again, government interference has resulted in poorer service.
There are still benefits, but mixed with detrimental effects in many cases too :/
Too many cases of detrimental effects, currently. Too many to demonize people who choose to not get vaccinated.IMO.
it's an interesting problem, of course the dangers of vaccines are not secret, whenever you get your children vaccinated you get a packet of information that discusses all of the reported adverse reactions and their likelihood, for example
The most common adverse reaction is something that is a possible reaction to any shot because you are sticking a needle into someone's arm, multiply that by millions or hundreds of millions of people and some of those will get infected or the person will be allergic to the vaccine or some ingredient in it or the nurse stabs a nerve or whatever. There would be these events even if you administered saline solution to as many people as get the flu shot or some of these other vaccines.
In some ways it makes sense to have these protections for industry as frivolous lawsuits could make it impossible to do business, similar to how gun makers have protections from certain types of lawsuits because otherwise stupid assholes would file endless frivolous lawsuits that they could not afford to defend themselves from and the gun industry would simply go out of business. you are right though that the danger is that these protections disincentives them from creating the safest possible products.
Maybe you missed what came after:
Injecting saline will do that?
If you injected it into the shoulders of 100,000,000+ people some number would have shoulder pain after, some would be severe.
In fact, it turns out that perhaps 70,000 people a year die from IV saline.
Well said again krnel. Props for having the balls to speak out on something so unpopular!
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Great Quality post as usual @Krnel.
If you get a chance, take a peek at another myth/lie I tried to expose in my latest post- weather radars actually causing weather manipulation- here :
This is quite some writeuo and an educative one at that. I always believe that every drug has a good and bad side of it and that goes for vaccines.
leaving this for a later read through...
You're welcome. Glad you gained value from it. Yes, many times injections were introduced, and it produced problems that didn't exist in people prior. There is a large frauds around this medial industry. Some even suspect that the Spanish flu came about from yellow fever vaccine attempts which included virus cocktails.