
I thought that was what you were saying.
I cannot agree with you that the idea behind vaccines is solid, maybe you should read some more on the subject.
Vaccines are part of the same money-making machine, just as chemo. You can find on my blog a post on cancer drugs that were proven useless. Giving false hope and terrible side-effects, at a very high price. And I wrote that post because I've witnessed the very drugs mentioned in that study doing nothing but harm.
As for vaccines, there's an incredible amount of documented side-effects and all of the parents would have made the decision not to vaccinate had they been aware of what might happen. But people are not aware of this because the doctors tell them they're safe. Maybe I should write a post someday about the number of doctors in my country that are on the payroll of drug manufacturers. Of course they promote the drugs and vaccines made by those that pay for their 5 stars holidays. Wouldn't you?
Do you really think anybody cares about saving public money through these vaccination campaigns? Nobody in this world gives a damn about public money. It's all about drug manufacturers making more and more money at the expense of us all.