How many more must die before the people of the Western world have had enough death-by-injection for Big Pharma profits and for "medical professionals'" and VAXXER's egos?
Check out this fresh link:
Here is a key excerpt:
"The "official" cause of death has been determined: UNDETERMINED.
The important part of this story is that the medical examiner REFUSED to run any tests that would help determine whether or not the vaccines played a role in the death.
Friends, this is what evil looks like. This is the conspiracy we are up against: the entire medical mafia covering up for the liability-free vaccine industry. Not just in Catie's case, but in ALL CASES OF DEATH AFTER VACCINATION. How can we prove, or disprove, that vaccines are a cause of death when the tests are not performed? We can't."
(Courtesy of
You absolutely need to read what little Evee's mother has to day about what happened to her child. It's all there at the link just below the excerpt I quote above.
The militia needs to be called up to surround this medical examiner's office and get the proper tests done so that the world can find out how she died. THEN, that medical examiner needs to be accompanied by the militia unit's most qualified medical person throughout the entire process of sample selection through to test data interpretation, and if he/she isn't comfortable verifying the work, they need to find someone trustworthy who is.
They are out fairly large numbers, still. Not everyone has bowed the knee to Baal...the Baal of Big Pharma. The public desperately needs to hear about these incidents, if only to have their consciences pricked by what they are (mostly) now all condoning in the name of "science' and "public health."
It's getting very close to "go time."
It's either us, or the mandavaxxers... The world is not going to be big enough for both of us.
Vaccines is money and free vaccines is just a test. Once it is stable they start to make money from it. Likewise, new virus is also pharma made. Because if you have a cure then you have the origin.
Um hm.
I do agree that some vaccines are unnecessary. Overall, I am pro vaccine. I just had a baby and I required all visitors to have their TDAP and Flu shots before visiting the first 2 months.
There is a reason why we don't see measles, small pox or other diseases that can be easily vaccinated against