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RE: Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families

in #vaccines8 years ago

How is that a lie? I think most people would regard it as immoral to inject toxic substances into a child's bloodstream. Many, myself included, believe some vaccines are harmful or dangerous. Injecting a vaccine is a positive action, and thus the burden of proof that it is safe rests on those arguing for it. It is perfectly legitimate to call that a religious objection. It's also completely rational.


I agree. You don't have to be a member of an established church or religion that specifically states they do not believe in vaccination.
If you have any spirituality or morality that tells you injecting toxic substances into your child (including aborted fetal tissue) is NOT a good idea, then you have a "religious" reason not to vaccinate.
Thanks for commenting @modprobe!