A Quick Word About Chicken Pox

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Chicken pox only became a serious, deadly and scary disease when it's vaccine came out, because health authorities and media started saying it was.

Source: ISTOCK

When I was a child in school, myself and everyone else could not wait to catch chicken pox! Our parents sent us to pox parties, because they knew that natural exposure gave a lifetime immunity, and if you didn't get it while young, you would catch it as an adult, which actually can be fatal. To every kid I knew, it meant a week off school, feeling fine except for being itchy. No one ever had issues from it, and EVERYONE had it at some point. It was a mild thing that everyone looked forward to getting. I remember getting excited when those first bumps showed up! "Yay, I get to have chicken pox! Are you coming over to play?"

Fast forward just a few short years and a new varicella vaccine later, and suddenly everyone is concerned about it? Even people who grew up in my generation of chicken pox lovers are scared of their children catching it, because they're repeatedly told that it's deadly and they need a vaccine, so now they actually forgot how their childhood treated it. Repeat a lie 1000 times and it becomes the truth.

Even if you think it's better not to spread this disease if it can be stopped, it's going to cause problems in the future. The first generation of varicella vaccinated children have not yet become adults, and that's when the real problems are going to start.

It's going to cause problems because the vaccine doesn't grant lifetime immunity. As this generation grows into adults, their immunity will wear off. They'll be around kids who had recently received their live varicella vaccine, who harbor the live virus on their throat and nose for weeks, and have a chance of catching it unknowingly from them because chicken pox is extremely contagious. We'll have a generation of adults catching chicken pox.

But health authorities won't be hindered by this, no... They will tell everyone it's because of people who don't vaccinate. They will make stricter vaccine campaigns and encourage more people to take the shot, making people believe that they need the vaccine throughout adulthood to be healthy and avoid catching this "horrible" disease. Then, of course, with hardly any kids catching it, and only adults, who get it severely, they can put out news stories of how deadly chicken pox is, because adults do get it bad, while kids do not. This will scare everyone into wanting to vaccinate in order to avoid this "deadly disease".

Their plans are long term and genius... Which is why we must be one step ahead. This vaccine is going to cause problems, but what they won't tell people, is that those problems are only there because the vaccine was started in the first place.

Please share and spread the word, let everyone know what will become of this! With any luck, people will stop using varicella on a massive scale!


Nice post! Thanks for sharing. Resteemed and upvoted.

Yessss! Another wonderful share! Thank you so much!

Upvoted (25%), Resteemed & Promoted by @venuspcs.

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I just commented on another post about how there was a study that showed contracting pox naturally was shown to be protective of the worst of brain tumors. Now that we vaccinate, deadly brain tumors are on the rise. My unvaccinated kiddo got chicken pox and he cleared it in three days, no problems.

Yes! Stopping chicken pox is not a good thing.
Seeing as all the studies show dangers including death and disability, but end up saying "the benefits outweigh the risks", it should be up to the parent to decide if it's worth it. Anyone who has actually had chicken pox, or knows anything about it, should know that no vaccine is worth it. But they think they can decide for us, that risking the odd death and possible permanent disability is worth stopping an ailment that doesn't hurt anyone unless they take painkillers. Painkillers make the sores open up and get inflamed and infected, causing a lot of damage. Chicken pox don't need pain killers, they don't hurt. They're just itchy...

Nice post!!!

I totally agree- I don't think vaccines are that good for people at all.... My parents were actually against it. And you know what's funny? Back in Elementary school, my friends would always be getting vaccinated, (I never was), but it was those kids who were vaccinated who would ALWAYS be getting colds, and illnesses... Or the flu... I was never sick, and I truly believe that it was because I wasn't vaccinated.

I am not a scientist or anything like that, but I just think it is funny. Maybe the vaccines aren't as beneficial as the doctors say it is....

Thanks for this post! Really makes you think! Upvoted!

Thanks for sharing insightful information as you made several great points. It is so very true that a lie told a 1,000 times becomes truth to people. Great examples of how fear and money drive the vaccine market, and how vaccine shedding is a very real problem. Thanks again!

Great post! I can remember my Sisters and I all coming down with the chicken pox. It was just a part of being a kid. Thanks for your post. 🐓🐓

Not likely, but we can hope. People, even presented with evidence to the contrary, take the path of least resistance. It is easier for them to go along, justifying it by telling themselves that doctors know best. However, I still hold out hope that everyone will become aware of what the medical establishment is doing and fight back in their own way.

Yes! Always hope and believe things will change... The law of attraction can be so powerful!
And yes, I've gotten the "my doctor knows best" cop-out so many times... Seems to be the favorite response when people don't want to believe that what they're told isn't true... It's a painful bubble to burst...

And this is how they plan to use vaccines to lower the population. I am assuming you have heard Bill Gates TED talk about vaccine?

I have... So many people try to say it was out of context. Those people never watched the whole thing, lol. Definitely not out of context. He meant what he said...

I totally agree with you 100% he meant what he said