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RE: Is Being "Unvaxxed" a NAP Violation? (In other words, do unvaccinated individuals put others at risk?)

in #vaccines7 years ago

Graham, I've read some of your anti-vax stuff (while skipping others), and I still remain thoroughly unconvinced.

Here's a bit of criticism that I'm sure you and others on that side of things have heard before, so I'd like to know your take on it: the goalposts for valid scientific data seem to constantly be moving depending on what the data reflects. For example, if anti-vaxxers find something on the CDC web site which can be interpreted as saying "vaccines are dangerous," then that's hard evidence. If it can be interpreted otherwise, then it's fake science because the CDC is clearly in the pocket of Big Pharma and the government wants to control our children.

As for being unvaccinated being a NAP violation, can we at least agree that vaccines are effective at least temporarily at protecting children against diseases and that the rate of occurrence of major side effects are a rounding error for most vaccines? Given that, if I do not vaccinate but then I allow my child to possibly be exposed to these diseases, I think it could be argued that not vaccinating my child would be a violation of omission against my own child, never mind others. Yes, there's a chance they would never encounter the disease in question, but who knows? It's sort of like if I put the child in the car without buckling them in to their kiddie seat. If I never get in an accident, then there won't be a problem, but there's always the risk and it costs me nothing to buckle them in, so I think it's arguably a violation against my child if I do not do so.


if anti-vaxxers find something on the CDC web site which can be interpreted as saying "vaccines are dangerous," then that's hard evidence. If it can be interpreted otherwise, then it's fake science because the CDC is clearly in the pocket of Big Pharma and the government wants to control our children.

I don't operate that way.

As for the second point, I am not vaccinating based on scientific evidence, so no, it would not be an "act of violence" against my own child.

At worst it would be an honest mistake made from trying to wade through a clusterfucked sea of propaganda.

I just hope people do their research and go with what you know - Do you think that the government is going to tell you that the immunizations are dumming down the kids...don't think so - just look around :) Autism and ADD are a huge problem, not to mention obesity, diabetes and asthma - we did not have those issues when I was a kid. It is a combination of the food, water, air quality and vaccines. I do love though that everyone replying has an opinion, most people dont even have an opinion :) I chose not play Russian Roulett with my kids and my kids have now chosen not to play Russian Roulett with my grandbabies. I have the happiest, focused, fit, kind, healthy grandbabies!!! Have a Blessed Sunday!!! Love you my Steemit Friends!

Surely you are aware of the argument that the increasing prevalence of autism and ADD is due to the increasing awareness of the existence of them by those in the position to diagnose (and, in my opinion, over-diagnose) them. In other words, there aren't necessarily more kids with autism than there have been in any other point in history; just more kids diagnosed as such, instead of just being thought of as a bit off in the head or having a form of mental retardation. It's just like how the discovery of cancer lead to an increase in the diagnosis of cancer, but that doesn't mean people didn't have cancer before it was discovered; they just got sick and died and nobody knew why. Thus, the coincident increases in vaccination rates and autism/ADD diagnoses are a perfect example of the correlation/causation fallacy.

What would be your rebuttal to that argument?

You're right about obesity and diabetes, but the link between diet and these are far stronger than the link between vaccines and mental disorders.

Totally agree with you - as far as the ADD goes you are very correct in the fact that the doctors are too quick to diagnose - Then there is also the medications that they put them on which causes depression and squizophrenia. Its frightening!!!! Back in the day, if you had a child with a learning disability, they were quick to lable them with severe mental retardation which of course I hate that they labeled it that. I am by no means a doctor but I like to read what I can on all of this - it is affecting so many. Thanks for chatting back and forth with me - its fun and enlightening!! Have a GREAT night my Steemit Friend

Thanks for upvoting my reply - I really do appreciate that :) Have a GREAT night my Steemit Friend