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RE: Vaxxed and Injured My family's Story

in #vaccines7 years ago

When I was a kid 1 in 100,000 kids were diagnosed with Autism, now it is according to the CDC’s website One in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a 30% increase from 1 in 88 two years ago, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mar 28, 2014. That is 3 years old I recently heard it is 1 in 48 now am 39 years old. 1 in 100,000 when I was growing up. Think and ask yourself where did the increase come from.

Well , underdiagnosis , and the fact that the Autism as a disease with a name and a definition for medical diagnosis was new right then , so there where many case that simply were not diagnosed as such due to lack of awareness

Also the fact that definition has changed to include an spectrum of functioning levels

Detoxing the body can really help improve symptoms. There are a few methods I want to try to see if I can fully detox him, but the pediatrician we have who specializes in vaccine injured children. Warned I should wait till he is an adult because and allow him to decide because there can be side effects from those methods. So we used the Organic food method to detox and reduce his exposure to artificial chemicals. Slowly things started to get better with his symptoms. The flap or ticks have stopped, he still paces some but not constantly anymore. His handwriting still sucks but his signature got readable once we detoxed his body. I know he isn’t fully detoxed but the side effects make me too scare to risk harming him with other methods.

Then whatever he had , it wasnt autism and it wasnt caused by vaciness as autism is a permanent neurological condition , it doesnt cure itself or improve by itself

Ending this I want to say this. I am not against vaccines, but I am against dangerous additives being added to them. I am against doing more than one vaccine at a time, and those 3 in 1 vaccines I don’t think should exist.

Well , the additives are there for a reason , companies producing them arent in the business of adding uneeded ingredients as it affects cost

And the multivaccines are there because their are several strains of a virus and not covering them would reduce their effectivity


We are talking a jump from .001% of children to over 1.4%, which is a huge increase. There is no way that is due to an increase in diagnosis. That's almost 140,000% change.

Clearly, you need to delve into the literature a bit deeper.