No I would not, I think that the real reason most diseases that vaccines have claimed be effective against are not a problem anymore is because of Hygiene and Nutrition. So in short I think vaccines are neither effective or safe.
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Interesting, ok, sure in some cases like diptheria or typhoid or other filth diseases. Let's take measles. Mainly air bourne not, related to hygene or nutrition. The introduction of the measles vaccine saw a marked decrease in cases within the US to the extent that it was almost declared eradicated until around 2014. We saw cases sky rocket with the movement of many parents not choosing to vaccinate against measles. Given that do you feel that shows there might be a correlation to the effectiveness of the measles vaccine?
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Proper nutrition specifically vitamin A in the case of measles renders it a harmless childhood ailment.
This one program supplemented children's vitamin A, by your same reasoning could this not be the reason this disease became a non-issue? Pregnant women who have sufficient vitamin A do not suffer birth defects from measles. The place where people are suffering from measles, Africa, is coincidently a place with rampant malnutrition.
This is incorrect most if not all measles outbreaks are caused by foreign visitors, why do they never tell you whether victims of measles outbreaks are vaccinated or not? Shouldn't that garbage you pump into your arm protect you?
Check out recent measles cases in Germany if you can find anything about it in English. (I'm not taking the time now to look for it myself.)
You probably know better than I do about when anti-vaccination movement started to get bigger. I suspect a time frame of 8 to 10 years. Foreigners started to (or rather: got started to) migrate to Germany long before, slightly more than a hundred years ago. Tuberculosis largely spread due to both world war actions in Europe. Those were no "foreigners".
Tuberculosis comes from cows, just like small pox. I'm not an "Anti-Vaxxer" simply a careful consumer of what doctors are selling.
Anyone who took the time to study the history of medicine would do the same. Doctors have been wrong before and they will be wrong again.
Doctors considered Thalidomide perfectly safe for pregnant women...