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RE: Is Your Career & People's Opinions MORE Important Than DOING THE RIGHT THING? Please ... if you know something, SAY IT!

in #vaccines8 years ago

I did the delayed and minimal vaccine route. I regret it very much. Health problems showed up and I had to really second guess the doctors anyways and spend a great deal of time studying and understanding the immune-system outside of most of the medical direction. Most doctors behaviored completely incompetent and were often aggressive on this front. The system punishes good doctors and rewards and protects bad ones.

So, I had to buck the system anyways and go out and pay cash for my own doctors which I'm still vetting (5 years later); really hard to find natural doctors that are completely free from what I consider bad habits. I have had a lot of time to adapt and accept this stuff but I have to be honest, I take a very clear view on this and I can't make any excuses for what I did to my child. I'm a very bad person when it comes to this deed and all I can do is try to pick up the pieces. I believe my child lost IQ points and that they will never be the same or quite as capable of fighting against corruption like the corruption that feeds these bad vaccines. I'll never take the second-best option again I will always fight an evil system with everything I have and in the most effective way possible.


Thank you very much, I can't imagine what you went through, my heart goes out. Personally I don't know how I would take it seeing my child in that state, it's the worst feeling not being able to help your own and child.
Thank you for sharing @red