Moving Timelapse had been partnered with BBTV who provided me with copyright free music and automatically monetised my content, helping me grow my channel. Five years ago they enthusiastically offered to represent me, suggesting that my content was above average and deserving of a wider audience.
At the time I was posting mostly time-lapse films and video diary episodes, documenting my barefoot escape from London to a lifetime of travel.
This is my most popular time-lapse on YouTube (32,548 views)
I asked the BBTV representative who gave me the news yesterday what it was that I did wrong and what I could do to get my channel re-connected?
This was her response:
The channel was terminated because it wasn't meeting the You Tube Partnership requirements. If it didn't meet the requirement we won't be able to re-connect.
So, that's about as clear as mud!
What is abundantly clear is that they don't want me back.
Thoughts of a rude response flooded my mind but I was able to resist.
The question remained however...
What was it that didn't meet their requirements?
The tone of my films changed when I started living in Bali 3 years ago. There was a noticeable shift from wanting to entertain people to wanting to inspire & help people.
On my 40th Birthday (two years ago) I went to the Gili Islands, in Indonesia. I was sungazing in the morning and a bunch of words entered my mind. I recorded them later and set them to time-lapse & drone footage I shot that day. The resulting film is both art and activism.
Here is one of the verses, to give you an idea:
The colours of the rainbow I eat now every day.
No matter what you may have heard there is another way...
To heal every illness & heal every mind!
Without the pills & potions and vaccines you will find!
In a world deceived by profit,
The price we all must pay,
So look towards your perfect future like it’s in your hands today.
After this I started a series called Sammy's Simple Solutions to investigate ideas which challenged the status quo. This was my episode on Sungazing.
I was getting a lot of pressure at this time in my life to vaccinate Esteban, so re-opened the investigative door to see if the situation had improved since I first learned of the dangers of modern vaccinations five years previously.
Turned out things were way worse today! I wrote a long article about what I found here and felt 100% happy with my decision.
When I posted on Facebook to share what I had learned I would receive a barrage of abuse, so I elected to make a film which clearly stated my thoughts. The film only made things worse really, and went on to receive the highest number of thumbs down any film of mine has ever received. Not that I care, but what it tells me is that BBTV were keeping tabs on the subjects I was covering and how much negative interaction I received as a result.
Like all 'YouTube agents' they have an image to fulfil and this is an image I no longer fit.
Here is the film in question.
I had heard about the ongoing cull of consciousness channels on Facebook & YouTube but never imagined it would one day happen to me.
Still, now I have Steemit & DTube. So, nothing bad has happened and everything is as it should be.
I will continue to upload to my Moving Timelapse YouTube channel for the sake of my followers there but it is very unlikely that I see any kind of financial returns from doing so.
Who is @samstonehill?
All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.
Sam is the creator of:
@steemshop where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet
FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this@steemmasters which provides
@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD
@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube
The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.
The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

If big tech is censoring you, you’re thinking the right way. Keep trying to help
This is a great way to look at it!
Thanks :)
I would take it as a sign you doing well and reaching people with your message. Yes your now not getting money but its time people started making their own way the censorship is getting blatant now and we must use alternatives.
As the hundredth monkey is beginning to stir thing a re bound to get tricky but light is at the end of the tunnel. 💯🐒
You're right. It is all a sign of the times and that hundredth monkey is well and truly stirring!
Indeed it is 💯🐒
It's one thing to endanger your own child by not vaccinating them but why do you want other people to hurt their kids? You aren't a doctor, don't give out medical advice
The advice I give in my film is to 'do your own research'. Which from my perspective is far less damaging than listening to the advice of a doctor in a non emergency situation. It is a difficult thing to accept at first but the medical system has been compromised by big business, so doctors are not educated with the full picture and therefore not to be trusted. There are however a growing number of doctors who further their education to get to the truth and risk losing their practice by speaking out. Our own doctor here in France is 100% in agreement with our decision, because unlike so many he chose to do his own research.
I am not here to force anything on anyone. Just living consciously and sharing my journey.
All the best to you friend, and welcome to Steemit
Good on you for producing quality content and exposing vaccination dangers.
I think there is an extra level to all this censorship by fakebook owned platforms - their zionist owners are cunning and if they are creating backlash I suspect they have a stage two plan - possibly involving new platforms - at this point all I'm sure of is that zionist plans always have many levels because they are like grand master chess players
Thanks for your support on this one. Not everyone is so open minded. Those who have taken the time to do their own research will almost always reach the same conclusion.
I hadn't seen this quote from Dr Sherry. It's a great one.
Sorry to hear that happened. I think your analysis of why is spot on. It's not just specifically the vaccine topic, but really any sort of political subject matter. Most advertisers won't to attract everyone they can and politics is so polarized and angry these days. When people are reminded of important issues, they don't feel like buying anything.
But you've still got us!
Spot on! So much has been going on recently in the way of censorship it was only a question of time before they caught up with me.
But as you say, I still have Steemit... and now Whaleshares & Weku too ;)
You are on steemit... and this can help you fight back.
Damn right.
Though with film as my primary outlet it's more about DTube, BitTube & DLive these days. Three different blockchains to benefit from :)
See ya later YouTube.
You were probably demonetized because you have less than 1,000 subscribers and under 4,000 hours of viewership per month.
My channel was demonetized for the same reasons. A lot of people's were.
Weird they wouldn't just tell me that?
And why wait till now to de-monetise it?
Still, thanks for the info :)
Sure! I dunno why. I received a bunch of emails from YT sayin they were going to. Still sucked when it happened. :(
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Thanks You Everyone
Errr... this is not really the place to advertise BTC faucets.
Perhaps my most recent post would be more appropriate?
Demonetized is not the same as censorship. Spreading false information is reckless.
Who needs Youtube?
Indeed! My account is still there thankfully :) I wasn't claiming to have been censored.
In truth I left YouTube a long time ago and DTube has been much kinder to me.
BitTube is also working pretty good these days :)