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RE: How the Measles Vaccination Program has Destroyed Herd Immunity

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

OMG! This is SO SCARY! I had no idea. My daughter is vaccinated for protection against measles. Does that mean her future child would lose the natural protection that it could have availed? :'( You are so right... some of the diseases that I've had my daughter vaccinated for aren't very big scary life sucking monsters. Yet, with all the notice boards put up in hospitals 'Have you vaccinated your child? Check... blah.. blah... show that you are a responsible parent... blah.. blah... your child will thank you.' we were in line to have all the vaccinations done just so our conscience? was clear.
When one is blissfully ignorant of what's really happening, it is easier to follow the one directing than it is to put in the time and effort to study the truth. I think the pharmaceutical companies have learned the role of fear in selling the drugs and have perfected the art of manipulation. No wonder thousands of people line up to 'protect' themselves when all they need is to trust nature and develop their body's immunity the natural way! :'( Thanks for bringing this information out, @canadian-coconut! Makes me furious and helplessly sad but I totally appreciate it. I'm atleast aware now and can spread the word to others! Upvoted and now Resteeming! - @sandzat


Thank-you for your great comment and I'm glad that you learned some new things. It is good to question things, but sometimes it's hard to know that there is even a question to be asked. Now you know that it isn't as simple as they have led us to believe.
All the best!

Well said Linda!

but sometimes it's hard to know that there is even a question to be asked. Now you know that it isn't as simple as they have led us to believe.

Hi @canadian-coconut! I definitely did. Thank you. It is something I need to find out more about. In another two years time, my daughter is due for her 10 year olds vaccination, though I don't remember what it is for... probably a booster. I want to be more educated about this by then.
It is scary enough that we are bombarded with all kinds of bacteria, viruses and what not outside.. and how our bodies try their best everyday to keep us alive and well. We shouldn't upset the rhythm by unnecessary 'medication' unless it is absolutely essential. Really good coming across your post... and thanks very much for stopping by too! Good luck & Cheers! - @sandzat

@sandzat you should not be afraid of bacteria, and viruses outside. On the contrary. The truth is that the immune system, even the digestive system are the same as our muscles. If you go to a gym and work out everyday you can build massive muscles that can lift more and more heavier things. The same goes for our minds, and our immune system. We are just like the rice plant that was covered in the book "The One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka. The plant was not raised like other rice plants -in water-. Instead the rice plant was exposed to more harsh conditions and an environment that did not kill it, but made it stronger. The end result was a rice plant that beared more fruit than those that were raised in water. The reason is that when the rice plant was grown in water it became fragile and could not keep itself up when it was without water. It would die without water and thus was dependent and did not adapt or evolve to fortify itself but rather only to be strong enough to give fruit. The rice from this weak plant was also smaller and not as nutrient dense as the rice from the other stronger rice plant. Instead of drenching the plant in water, Fukuoka uses straw to keep levels of humidity right for the plant. Before I go on off topic, I'll just get to the point. Bacteria is good and important to our health, the more of it we can collect, the stronger our system builds itself. Exposing your children to bacterias is therefore important. This is why when you observe native tribes around the world you don't often see deadly sicknesses. Many of these ideas have been sold as lies to get us to believe the "savages" are at risk because they're too dumb to develop pharmaceutical drugs. But this is not true, they are all well adapted to their environment and thus are immune to locally occurring diseases. Just think of the environment your children will likely be in through their lives and help them to adapt to it. I left a huge reply all the way at the bottom with some suggestions if you're interested. I also highly recommend watching this video regarding Gut Bacteria

Thanks for the advice @gamagoro! You are right about the immune system. And the probiotics. I'm a strong believer. I don't take any kind of allopathic medicine myself... I've been pretty healthy my whole life... atleast till six months ago and I'm still not scared for myself. It is my daughter that I'm literally terrified for. She has allergic rhinitis and keeps getting cough, wheezing and/or cold and fever almost every three or four weeks the whole year around. Unfortunately, for her, we've consulted many doctors and all they had to give her were antibiotics and steroids! As a result, I believe, she isn't growing as well as I would like her to be. About a month ago, I put my foot down and switched to homeopathy. Let's see where that takes us. She is my and my husband's only child. We both love her and would do anything for her. And it is especially my duty to ensure that she grows up into a healthy, strong, educated and wise person. Till she grows up and I find she's grown up well, I'm going to be like a tigress Mom ready to fight at the first hint of an external attack.

@gamagoro has good advice.... dirt is good... there are bad bacteria but also good bacteria too.... we should go on fasts and clean out the gut, the center, our liver once a month or year.... we should try to keep our liver clean for about 3 years in order to restore the liver.... our liver cells can be replaced in about 3 years.... we can get a new liver in about 3 years.... and our whole body every 7 years or so

dirt is good...

Ever wondered why so many dogs eat dirt? Especially compost-like dirt. And why they all eat from the same area and not just any dirt? I'll bet they smell the pro-biotics in it!

Soil is very healthy for pro biotics and we should be more creative like dogs and find ways to get more of that dirt into our bodies.

You've got a lot of time to research before her next set of vaccines.
Feel free to read my older posts, and of course stay tuned for more!

One video deserves another, Del Bigtree responded to John Olivers video on vaccines

Hahaha!!! @marymg2014. You totally beat me to this one!!! I read the above comment and opened a youtube tab just to find this amazing episode of Highwire!!! :') <3 Love it. <3

Great minds think alike, have a great day!

That about covers it. John Oliver lies professionally every time he opens that flapping hole in his ignorant face. I wonder if he sleeps at night after causing permanent damage or even death to children.

He certainly messed up but I thought that Del Bigtree did an outstanding job. Del has his act together that is for sure.

Del Bigtree is an amazing proponent of health and sanity. His grasp on logic is formidable.

John Oliver is an appeal to ridicule, made flesh.

High compliments to you and your command of the English language! WELL SAID!!!

John Oliver used to be my celebrity crush but he's been selling himself for a while. Too bad! Hope he comes to reconsider.

I hope he realizes that people see that he has been bought.

Hello, my name is Urma and I am Baah's caretaker

I think it's great that my little prince of the baahamas has taken an interest in this topic, it's one that should be very close to his heart.

Baah has been injured with autism due to a bad batch of the varicella vaccine and as such struggles with a few things like interacting with other people.

Please remember this when speaking with him, after all he is my little genius.


Appeal to ridicule is not education. If you were in possession of accurate knowledge, you would be aware of this.

I was just about to post what Mary already did -- the video where Medical Investigative Journalist, Del Bigtree, demolishes every one of John Olivers arguments.
I know that it's a long video, but it is REALLY worth taking the time to watch if you want to understand this important issue.

This is a perfect example of unadulterated black propaganda.

We have immune systems and a gut... and we can recover from bad vaccines even...... there are natural remedies....

Unfortunately, not all injuries can be recovered from. My vax injury at age 20 took me 6 years to recover about 80% and robbed me of a career. 20 years later I'm still dealing with health issues stemming from it. :(

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

There are many who are ignorant of medicine, some of them actually have a medicine degree.
However you don't have to be a medic to interpret a graph that shows a clear decreasing path in time independent of vaccines. How is that possible? apparently there more important factors than vaccines in relation to the decrease of illnesses, such as improvements in food and health.

On a personal note: you can always ask for forgiveness, no no, not to god, I mean to @canadian-coconut for your lack of etiquette. I also advice you to have a quick look at the source of the graph, breath some times, and then answer this post, with style, you know, not with a childish attitude that most readers just avoid.


Find one thousand year graphic and it will look even better for you.

Are you laboring under a compulsion to harm people?

I would find it humorous due to the absurdity, but then I realized children are going to suffer from their parent's stupidity and I stopped laughing. Crazy how many people buy into this stuff without doing their own research. If you want to believe vaccines are dangerous there are plenty of looney tunes out there that will "confirm" that belief.

So what research did you do?

Do you mean that @canadian-coconut is ignorant of
rocky-fellow, the snake-oil salesman, medicine?