Unfortunately, there are evil people in positions of power, and they have the power to influence others. So many people do not want to see the truth. The medical system is set up to manage and mask symptoms with medication, creating lifetime customers.
The medical industry is led and controlled by fear. The sheep feed on the media and their dramatic scare tactics and believe and do as they are told. A good example is the flu shot. The media has informed the public that is was essentially not effective yet again this year, but you still need to hurry and get your flu shot! Really? The media likes to confuse people with a little truth and mostly all lies. Classic disinformation technique! Stop falling for it, stop watching it, stop listening to them!
Big Pharma is very corrupt and evil and is solely focused on profit. They cannot stand to lose any money on a worthless, poisonous, noneffective flu vaccine. So, they show fake news, twist a bunch of stories, and tell people to get the flu shot. The craziest thing is that people actually do it!!
Those that bash people against vaccines are typically uneducated on the topic. The uneducated love to argue, repeat the lies they are spoon-fed, and get angry with people who are only interested in educating others and saving lives. There is no money to be made by speaking the truth about the harm of vaccines, but the reward is in the lives that you can save.
Big Pharma is a fear-based system. Fear shuts down the brain and logical thinking. It is so important to educate and get educated on vaccinations and disease so that we can make rational decisions.
I am hear to speak out for the voiceless.
We have a right to refuse vaccines.
Knowledge is power!
Photo Credit: http://weclipart.com
My son at 12 years old is literally voiceless as a result of vaccine injury.
I am so sorry to hear that. I have read some of your posts and greatly appreciate you sharing your story to help others. Thanks for speaking up for him and thanks for shining light on the evil vaccines. You are making a difference.
It's nice of you to say, I really appreciate that and I really enjoy your posts also.
Vaccines are based on herd immunity and, in my eyes, are one of manhood's greatest achievements. It's very true that there are lot's of dirty things going on in the pharma industry. Playing with life in behalf of capital. Disgusting. Anyways we shouldn't turn against vaccines cause they actually safe a s**t ton of life's every year.
Herd immunity only works through natural acquisition of disease, it's not been proven through vaccination. Vaccines in fact have never been proven to provide immunity. They are however responsible for the greatest holocaust in human history and are perhaps manhood's worst failure.
I agree 100%! They are the greatest holocaust in human history! Thanks for reading! You have made great and valid points and are much appreciated.
herd immunity ? you mean a measles party?
Herd immunity is a joke
All you are herding is ignorance and sick people
We do not have deficiencies from drugs!
Vaccines are poison
Inject diseases get diseases !

Research before you blindly make mainstream statements
Real herd immunity is a measles party with all your friends
No boosters needed
A fever and a rash !
You do know what passive / maternal immunity is right ?
The greatest achievement is us exposing the truth and not just blindly trusting drug thugs
I remember my first book on immunology and toxicology ;)
Truth train