Vitamin K - Synthetic poison for our babies

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)


With what are our children injected, right now?

It is a practice for all newborn babies to inject vitamin K right away after cutting the umbilical cord. This vitamin puts it mainly to prevent bleeding.

I've always wondered why they put it on babies. I understand the woman, but why do the babies. They never bleed...

Inject it immediately because they do not use natural vitamin K, but put a synthetic drug known in the US under the name of Vitamin K Menadione.


In the maternity hospital, they tell pregnant women that they will have vitamin K deficiency, a vitamin that is contained in fruits and vegetables, and at the same time inject them with a synthetic drug of Menadoine, which is a strong liver poison and a carcinogen.

Why they don't tell the pregnant women to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables before birth. And worse ... eat or not, all newborns are injected with Menadoine.

Already 20 years ago, in the United States and Europe, noticed that Menadoine was directly related to the occurrence of childhood cancer.

Of course these alarm signals are ignored ...

Menadoine is so toxic that it is forbidden to sell in non-prescription pharmacies.

And was it just a vitamin?

They inject our children with this toxic poison right after their birth.


Separately now, they are also trying to inject babies with a hepatitis vaccine, which is three injections of immunodepressants and cancer DNA.

In 2013, a scandal broke out in Ukraine, according to which four children had officially died of this vaccine.(source:

As a result of the injections of vitamin K and the hepatitis vaccine in the maternity homes, they have caused an epidemic of childhood cancer.

Just 30 years ago, for example in the USSR, when these vaccines were not yet used, childhood cancer was a pure exception.

Today, it is an epidemic, especially the incidence of blood cancer - leukemia.

Today we watch TV every day or we have acquaintances who have a child with leukemia

And in our generation, was it?

I am not sure...


Source :

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When I was born, it was presumed that mother's milk was bad for children.

You would think that doctors have no common sense.
But then again, they are only given propaganda from drug companies.
They are not given classes on nutrition, or natural medicines, or preventative medicine ...

A doctor, that has since stopped being a doctor quoted,
"Everything after the first year of medical school is worthless."

I am a biochemist. Now a stay at home, homeschooling, anti-vaxxer, naturopathic, trading and investing momma. We garden organically, buy bulk organic meat and I avoid chains, grocery, big box stores, driving, eating out at every chance. We own one phone, have our wifi on a timer. We don't own a TV. Our kids are very happy and healthy. It is HARD work, but not as painful as watching my offspring suffer in modern society. Now if we could just have the economic collapse already........

I am glad that you have made your life better.

Not for us, definitely for the kids and their children. Life worth living is worth living in some quality!

Congtatulations on changing your life for the better. Following you

I often wonder in what world we live ...

It's a world where doctor's cannot make huge profits off healthy people.

In medical field, everything has become pricy and evil at same time.
I sometimes blame these doctors, but then I think that even they are helpless as well.
These doctors' consultation fee is very high, which should be replaced by technology.

The doctors should be assigned with surgery works only. Rest should be replaced with software tech using AI & Blockchain.
That's it.