A thick helping of irony as the vaccine-pushing U.N. poses as philanthropists.
My additions are in bold and italics
The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day (A/RES/62/139) to highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of those with autism so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society.
Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that manifests during early childhood, irrespective of gender, race or socio-economic status. The term Autism Spectrum refers to a range of characteristics. Appropriate support, accommodation and acceptance of this neurological variation allow those on the Spectrum to enjoy equal opportunity, and full and effective participation in society.
My comments: If anyone at the bloated authoritarian monstrosity known as the UN actually wanted to do any good in regards to autism, then they should get to the root cause of the condition itself. So will they publicize the well documented link between vaccines and autism? Will they promote the film Vaxxed? No, they won’t, because they just like to masquerade as philanthropic, when in reality they won’t touch the truth because doing so would put them out of a job.
The rate of autism in all regions of the world is high and the lack of understanding has a tremendous impact on the individuals, their families and communities.
My comments: Yeah, the rates are high and continue to climb because the number of toxic vaccines jabbed into children has gone up, too! There’s a correlation!
The stigmatization and discrimination associated with neurological differences remain substantial obstacles to diagnosis and therapies, an issue that must be addressed by both public policy-makers in developing nations, as well as donor countries.
My comments: So basically, this is being used as an excuse to pass more morally-relativistic “laws” that are violently enforced. The government wants to get bigger! Wow, what a surprise! Their corporate partners create a problem and then authoritarians in government pose as saviors! Rinse, repeat!
If you're interested in learning about the evidence that vaccines are a causal factor of Autism.....
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Wow .... Nice post Gayes Flw and vote me
Can I have the link to the well documented link between autism and vaccines please? I cannot seem to find it anywhere.
Yes, thanks for the question. A good place to start is the above link I listed, the CDC Dr. William Thompson files. You can also check out Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
Dr Wakefield - the guy that was struck off for unethical behaviour? The guy that sold single vaccinations from his private practice and made money from lying to his patients? Hardly a good place to start, the guy is one step away from being a murderer.
Another good resource with tons of scientific documentation of the harms caused by vaccines is the Vaccine Research Library headed by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny https://vaccineresearchlibrary.com/ and look up and watch videos on the topic by Dr. John Bergman, Dr. Russel Blaylock (neurosurgeon), Dr. Tim O'Shea, and Dr. Suzanne Humphries (nephrologist); and her book "Dissolving Illusions" is highly referenced (footnoted and annotated) as well. Thanks for the great article. Will be sharing...