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RE: People want proof?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Hi @johngreenfield, yes homeopaths see huge improvements (we're not allowed to say 'cure'!) when we detox a vaccine with exactly the same vaccine made into a homeopathic remedy. There is quite a protocol - it's not just pop a pill and wait for the improvement - it involves taking the remedy for detoxing 3 times a week in one strength at a time until there is no more improvement on that one and then moving up a strength - using a total of 4 strengths. Alongside that we give a remedy to suit each patient to assist with the detox symptoms as well as a few supplements, as detoxing often can be unpleasant. Many young children go from having no speech to speaking well - and countless other symptoms associated with ASD improving, or disappearing completely. You're more than welcome to book in as a patient, and thank you for offering to report back fairly - but I have no need of this evidence, I see it all the time so it would be of most interest to you. Good luck in your search for help, I wish you all the best.