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RE: How the Measles Vaccination Program has Destroyed Herd Immunity

in #vaccines7 years ago

This is a GREAT post - its so strange to me how so many people look up to the guys in the white coats instead of doing our own research and making their own educated decisions about their children and their own health and well being. 'I guess if the guy in the white coat tells me I should do, I probably should do it' - it should be the opposite, you probably shouldn't. Also, I cannot believe the people who will do something just because the government tells then have to or should. I live in CA and immunizations are mandatory - neither my children nor my 2 beautiful smart grandchildren are immunized. It has been a process, but my oldest grandchild is finally enrolled in public schools on a waiver. She had to miss kindergarten and will be starting in 1st grade (we did not have the waiver in time to start her in kindergarten). Even with a waiver, the school tried to tell us they man not allow her in???? But ultimately, she is approved in and will be starting in August. I love the idea of the Herd Immunity!!! I absolutly am so excited when I see so many parents posting and commenting on this subject - it is so important for the future of our family generations. Take a look at the kids these days - mostly little boys are walking around looking like zombies (not sure why it is affecting the boys more) - between the food, vaccinations, and the quality of the air, our children are suffering. Thank you thank you thank you for this post ! I love you my Steemit Friends - SUNSHINE247


Thank you Canadian-coconut for the upvote - look at all of this hotness going on on in this post :) This is definately an issue for much debate :) I for sure am not a debater but am opinionated when necessary. Thank you so much again - Have a GREAT night my Steemit Friend - SUNSHINE247

@sunshine247, agreed... thanks for not hurting your children and grand children with vaccines and everything...... my mom taught me and my siblings at home...... and my mom started learning about this stuff too... my mom is a nutritionist... she was always reading.... investigating

Your mom is the type of person we need on Steemit :) She sounds amazing!!!!! I bet she can bring some good info and input - I can always use new knowledge in my life - tell mom I said she should step into this world and fun with us :) SUNSHINE247

Sunny, I helped my mom learn email around 1998 and Facebook like 2007 and now I am trying to take her to the third level, Steemit. Also, crypto coins. Eventually, she will come, I am betting. It is like an evolution, a progression.

Keep on working on her - she will come around I am sure :)

You are welcome @sunshine247
Yes, this is a hot topic.
But I am very happy to see that many, many people are aware, and that more and more are willing to seriously investigate it.
I am trying to save lives, especially children's lives, and I won't shut up about it.
Thanks for your kind words.