Now that's off my mind

in #vaccines7 years ago

Question everything!

I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd write!

Glad to be crazy !
Who else is crazy?

How do we Prevent Diseases?

How do we Prevent these?

  1. Toxemia!

  2. Deficiencies!

  3. Abuse and neglect the body receives from poor eating habits and lifestyles!

  4. A weakened body!

  5. Oxidative stress!

  6. Inflammation!

  7. Mitochondrial dysfunction!

Now Tell me if drugs / vaccines prevent these that cause diseases?

In my opinion Body pollution from wrong diet and neglect of natural living principles is the cause of most diseases.

What about inoculation?

"Inoculation means introducing into the body certain products of disease through the skin of a healthy person, so giving "built-in" resistance to the disease."

Now ask yourself Do Medical Doctors know the difference between cause and effect?
Do you really think Cow pus eradicated small pox?
Was it Polio or chemical poisoning?
Is it a virus or poison?

What is cancer?
Cancer is the result of the cause.
For example, radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer, etc.

Now What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause right?

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.
Eventually you will get pimples (pus). Wewill call the pus a virus (poison) I'm going to collect all that pus and inject into people to try and prevent pimples ?!
Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?

Think about it!

Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.

This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.

Now ask yourself

How can inoculations be given for neglect the body receives?

How can you vaccinate a body against abuse?

How can you be immunized against bad diet and insufficient vitamins and minerals?

It can't be done!
The allopathic medical establishment is looking into test tubes for answers.

Naturopaths feel that microbe death is at the expense of poisoning the body with the drugs or vaccines. Poison on top of poison fails to get at the root cause of all illness, which is "polluted body" or systemic toxemia.

Do you Get rid of the flies or the garbage?

Do you poison the dirty fish tank water or clean the fish tank?

Do mosquitoes make the water stagnant or are mosquitoes attracted to stagnant water?

Don't give me the "theory" that Antibodies determine immunity.
There is more to the immune system than just antibodies. Blah blah blah
Dr Google knows better than that 😉

Oh todd the science !

Science and their assumptions, theories, lies, beliefs, hypothesis, tests, experiments ALL OF WHICH CAN BE FLAWED!
All that the presence of antibodies in a person means is that the person has come into contact with a particular pathogen, it does not mean that they have immunity.

Antibodies are just ONE part of the immune system.
What about cellular immunity ?
What about maternal/passive immunity?

Do you understand the con game yet ?
So this is how the con-game works. They make an animal sick in the lab. They take the infection which they call virus and inject that into another animal. If the animal survives, they claim the poison infection that they injected is the reason for survival. And if the animal dies they blame the animal.
This laboratory madness has NOTHING to do with the cause of NATURAL disease.!

Call me crazy ?

  1. Crazy is injecting 12 diseases into your precious newborn the first year of life during the immunological programming of the brain.

  2. Crazy is trusting drug thugs and their ignorant trained puppets that have been known to make false claims about the effectiveness and safety of their drugs and vaccines.

  3. Crazy is Injecting known neurotoxins.

  4. Crazy is thinking that if you Inject diseases you will prevent diseases.

  5. Crazy is injecting high amounts of blood sludging aluminum into your baby!
    4,925 mcg the first 18 months of life!

Think for yourself and think again before you call someone crazy.




Good post dear thanks for shearing

nice post friend

nice friend
thank you for sharing

@truthtrain that is really great. I got the amazing knowledge. If we Eat better we can prevent out body from the diseases. THANK YOU FOR SHARE THIS MATERIAL.

Check out new post :)

upvote and resteemed
nice post

Check out new post :) Ty

thank a lot sir

Very nice post upvote and resteemed

Check out new post :) Thanks!

thanks for sharing this post.....

Check out new post :)

yep i will...

Very beautiful. health awareness truthtrain post this post to you for thank you very much, and this post a lot like and like post vote and comments and post share, I like this post a total of all see and this post to everyone can vote

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Nice information i think upvote you :)

Check out new post :)

Just a heads up @truthtrain, you are responding to a comment spammer who doesn't even have the common courtesy to throw you an upvote.

very nice. This post is good for health awareness, thank you very much,

Check out new post :)

If you are not crazy you are not thinking for yourself 🙂

Lol...................... :)

Now What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause right?

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

We know exactly what causes the pimples - it is Cow Pox. We know it is a virus and we know its genetic makeup.

What was observed was that milk maids did not get smallpox when exposed to it. It was then observed that the milkmaids had been exposed to cow pox. It was then observed that when someone was infected by cow pox they were immunised against smallpox. It is a natural remedy.

There is a name for alternative medicines that work, they are called "Medicine".


This Bangladeshi child is infected with smallpox, something we will never see again because vaccines eradicated it. A natural remedy has saved mankind from this misery. Yet, you wish it to continue.

Science shows that vaccine induced "immunity" wears off. Science can now explain how and why children died from these vaccines and why they do not produce life time immunity. It seems to be a fantastic set up for corporate "medicine" to now understand that vaccinology can not produce the same results as getting the disease. Which means yearly shots for everyone!! If you are aware of the science, evolution, then you would understand that people evolved with the smallpox virus and it began to have less effects on the body. Matter of fact it was hard to determine whether some cases were chicken pox or smallpox at beginning of 1900. Considering the manufacturing facilities and transportation infrastructure was not in place to get the vaccine to the public at is estimated that only 10% of the population received the vaccine. It was also known that people died from the vaccine. It is irresponsible to use a "belief" system to justify the practice of science. Discernment and science education is extremely important. If you study the history of small pox, there were other scientific studies being performed using quarantine that showed it was able to reduce smallpox quicker than those cities who chose the vaccine. I suppose you also believe genetically engineering these vaccines using combinations of bacterias and virus can trigger immunity? What parts of the immune response create long term ...meaning lifetime... immunity? Well, considering I conduct my own long term experiments involving this very aspect... I think you should prepare for a rude awakening. Regardless,... I come from 4 generations of no responders. No matter the doesn't produce a response. Including the smallpox vaccine given to my grandfather...even after several times. And when he and my grandma got polio...they did not even show symptoms. Just my aunt who was less than 3 years of age...they show immunity... me who was vaccinated does not. That is science...

Thank you for the response. I am a little confused by your conclusion - you have been vaccinated for smallpox but have no immunity? I think I must be misreading you because I doubt you have been vaccinated for smallpox.

My daughter was given the MMR vaccine yet still contracted a mild form of measles. I am aware that it is not a perfect solution which simply underlines how fragile the concept of herd immunity is.

I was vaccinated for polio and show no immunity. My grandparents who contracted polio show that they have immunity. The concept of herd immunity using vaccination can not happen. Vaccines do not produce the same results as getting the virus naturally, which produces lifetime immunity (at statistically higher percentages). My grandma still shows titers for pertussis at age of 85 (she had the whooping cough at age 10)...but according to the media, the Dtap vaccine wears off and the need to get boosters is essential. Funny, that these same doctors don't check titers to verify their statements. Since everyone produces a different immune response titer level...which can range anywhere from .5/ml to 15.00/ml (antibodies) and there is no science that can confirm what titer response equates to lifetime immunity...or determine any real protection....means it is statistically impossible to mimic "herd immunity" the 1929 study, which ironically determined the population needed to have 67% of the herd with lifetime immunity for "herd" protection. No or low-responders can still get the you will always have loopholes. If the solution is not perfect...then you can not force people to take something..especially if it won't work on them. My measles (yes I was vaccinated in the 70's) was not mild nor was it life threatening. Thank you for your response. There is science around how long they ask. I'm surprised you have been quite so ready to leap to "no science" as an option. Yes it is a statistics game and again we know the numbers and know what levels are required to maintain a herd immunity, which helps people like yourself by making the spread of the contagion much more difficult. This is pretty basic stuff, we know it works, we have proven it and we prove it time and time again.

I appreciate that things are odd in the USA due to the way medicine and health has been commercialised, but trust me it is dirt cheap in Europe and we have none of the problems you allude to.

No need to protect me or my family.. our genetic line shows no issue with any of the diseases. According to the US's CDC people start to show waning titers at 22 days, especially to the measles.... so with that is statistically impossible to produce "herd" immunity in a population. Regardless, excited about this format because I join to publish science. I have experimented on various different species with vaccines...long term studies, short term...and even purposely exposed the "herd" (of goats actually) to an ill animal. I have also found contaminants...ect. Excited to share the results and my documented evidence. So enjoy the ride!!!