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RE: People want proof?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Hep b production is nasty !

First AIDS cases confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, speculations that AIDS may have been introduced via Hepatitis B vaccine.


Vaccine Production, Allergies and Harmful Ingredients-
Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.
First, pathogenic (disease-causing) viruses will not grow on healthy "soil" (the medium). If the environment is correct within our body, the virulent viruses and disease-causing germs will not grow. For example, hepatitis virus does not grow on a side-walk, nor in a healthy person. To make the vaccine, the manufacturers have to get the virus from somewhere, so they get them from persons with hepatitis. Makes sense. [The first hepatitis vaccines (of the 70s) were grown from the blood of the gay community, since they had high levels of hepatitis.] Today, they are much more "sophisticated", they just gather up bodily excrements from persons with hepatitis and culture the virus. Which excrements?
... Use your imagination: urine, blood, feces, pus and other excrements. In vaccine production anything goes. (How about cadaver organs and blood of persons who died of hepatitis?)
Once the virus is gathered, it must be grown on a toxic medium ... remember pathogens will not grow on healthy tissue. The medium used is generally animal organs and tissues combined with the proper culture medium and "nutrients". BHK (baby hamster kidney) cells, monkey kidneys, HeLa cells (cancer cells from Henrietta Lacks), aborted fetal tissues (used in the rubella vaccine called RA 27/3) and other animal organs are used in vaccine production. [Remember it is the foreign animal genetic materials which make vaccines so dangerous.] Once the virus has been grown, it is inactivated with formaldehyde (a potent carcinogen) or other agent. Other substances (adjuvants) may be added to the vaccines, like mercury (thimerisal), phenol, aluminum, antibiotics, and other ingredients which promote the vaccine’s effectiveness. All these substances are unnatural, synthetic, and immune suppressing, and some are even carcinogenic. (In which they don't test for). The production of vaccine ‘lymph’ has been the main function of producing vaccines in the laboratory. Viruses don’t grow well in healthy individuals and toxic (un-healthy) cultures must be used. For example, mice bred to get cancer don’t get cancer unless they are fed a nutrient deficient diet. Now that means that we don’t have to get cancer either, as long as we eat a good nutritious diet.
Therefore, first viruses are grown in toxic culture medium, which supports there activity and allows their grown and metabolism. Most pathogens live under anaerobic (toxic) conditions (absence of oxygen) and would die in the presence of oxygen. Therefore, as one builds health, develops good nutrition and exercise (breathing), more oxygen is delivered to the tissues and pathogens cannot grow there. This is what we mean when we say it is the "soil" which is important to our health. "The terrain is everything", Pasteur conceded on his death bed. Yet vaccine production includes many un-natural and toxic ingredients, which we would never knowingly put into our body. Naturopathic principles (and common sense) do not include the injection of viruses grown on toxic animal tissues.
Vaccinations are biological agents made from the filth of the earth, from diseased organs and sick animals and people. These toxins are injected in a person in order to increase their antibodies against that disease and produce immunity. Yet, scientist have very little understanding of what immunity is and what makes a strong immune system. Nutrition is key in any immune enhancing program, but they ignore nutrition (herbs/vitamins/foods) in favor of profitable injections. Vaccines do more to "sensitize" than to "immunize" for they contain many toxic ingredients which cause sensitizing reactions, like allergies and anaphylaxis. As you read this think about the sensitizing effects of those toxic (foreign) substances present in vaccines. Mercury has been cited as causing auto-immune conditions and increases the ANA titre (used to diagnose Lupus). Allergy/anaphylaxis is merely severe sensitization to the materials present in vaccines. All vaccines depress the immune system and contain harmful and toxic ingredients which may cause allergic or sensitizing reactions. But how can depressing the immune system create immunity to disease? We are fooled if we think that it can. Vaccines Prevent Heath!
Allergies have been said to be related to the larger protein molecules circulating within our blood stream, and vaccinations place large (foreign) sized protein molecules with in the blood stream. During the process of digestion these protein molecules are broken down so that circulating immune complexes are not a problem. Leaky gut syndrome is linked to allergies because it allows the gut to pass large protein molecules into the blood stream. These are then filtered out by the lymph-nodes and may cause problems there such as lymphadenitis. Clogged lymphatics cannot support the cellular immune system composed of the white blood cells and lymph. Therefore, allergies compromise the immune system and reduce immunity. The lymph also carries nutrients to the tissues and is the transportation medium for fats in our body. Every cell needs high quality fats, which should come from unprocessed foods and natural sources.



Sounds nice to inject into a healthy newborn?

All your statment are false. Most of bacteria that infect human need oxygen. Viruses can reporduce in any condition that hosting cells grow. Candida need oxygen. @truthtrain

. [The first hepatitis vaccines (of the 70s) were grown from the blood of the gay community, since they had high levels of hepatitis.] NOT TRUE. Hepatitis virus it doesnt grow in blood. Hepatitis B replicate only in liver cells. Your statment its wrong. Since 1986 Hbv its produced in yeast. Thr same that we use for bread.