I disagree about tetanus. Having good hygiene and a healthy immune system enables people to handily survive tetanus, and thereafter they are immune. The vaccines are of limited benefit at best, which is why they only last for 5 years.
"the dangers of amalgams to dental professionals are just starting to be understood...."
Not true. The research has long shown it is dangerous, not only to dentists, but those constantly breathing in the mercury vapor.
The research was quashed, hidden, misreported, and blatantly lied about and people, including dentists, were deceived.
I commend to you the research by Dr. Haley on the horrible plague(s) caused by thimerosol and amalgam fillings. The research reported by enemedia outlets, and foundations and scientists dependent on funding from profiteering corporations and government bodies captivated by incessant and venal corruption is not true, skewed, or hidden, because it lays liability for epidemic plague caused by deliberate poisoning of millions of people by profiteers directly at the feet of those profiteers and shills. Autism, Alzheimer's and other dementias lay squarely at the feet of industry, including the cheerleaders of mercury poisoning the AMA and ADA. Why would you expect those liable for the plague to tell you the truth? Untold $billions are at stake.
They're lying to you for money. Don't believe them.
"Do you know anyone who had polio?"
"Having good hygiene and a healthy immune system enables people to handily survive tetanus"
False, generally those infected without proper treatment beyond handwashing get lockjaw and die. Hand washing it totally irrelevant, usually you contract tetanus when you get a puncture wound from something that is contaminated, wash your hands all you want that won't help prevent tetanus from stepping on a wet stick. Why do you believe handwashing will help?
why does only lasting 5 years mean they are of limited benefit?
those constantly breathing in the mercury vapor are the dental professionals, because most of the off-gassing occurs when the amalgam is mixed up and installed, they don't generally off-gas much after they cure up.
The dangers of mercury have long been known what's new is hysteria about minute exposures. No amount of mercury is good for you but everyone will be exposed to some amount of mercury, even without fillings. I saw a show where a fellow was dancing in a puddle of mercury every day as part of gold mining, that's how they do it in South America, then they burn off the puddle of mercury to reveal the gold, that's how you get a case of mercury poisoning after just a few years.
Dentists seem to take decades to succumb and they are getting much bigger doses than their patients, my dentist is afraid of cats and he has been installing many mercury fillings every day all day for probably 40 years.
Everything is toxic and everything causes cancer in too large a dose, I wouldn't worry about it too much. That's where your strong immune system will protect you. Really occupational hazards are much worse than anything in vaccines or fillings, no matter what you do. Either you are exposed to some toxin or some toxic stress or repetitive motions or all three. Sadly over a long enough timeline the life expectancy for everyone falls to zero.
My grandmother spent most of her adult life living in close proximity to 20th century oil refineries and chemical plants, she was an lived with smokers for decades, she also had all of her shots, she recently passed away at 100 years old.
Humans can tolerate fairly high toxin loads, eat some broccoli if you are worried about heavy metals.
There is not much money in selling any vaccine or drug that is off patent.
I knew someone who had polio too, it caused him to die from a terrible form of dementia in addition to a lifelong limp, now, how many people do you know personally who have been crippled or killed by the polio vaccine?
Bullshit. Most people that get tetanus recover completely.
Good hygiene, which washing is a critical aspect of, enables you to have a strong immune system, and that protects you against disease.
I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro-science, and the harm vaccines do presently is both underrated and underreported. We can - and must - make better vaccines, because they are causing the plague of Autism and Alzheimer's.
Amalgam fillings outgas forever.
They don't recover by washing their hands, even with modern medicine 10% of people with tetanus will die. Some forms of tetanus kill up to 30% of those afflicted. since it is not a communicable disease between people, except mother and baby, handwashing just does not matter.
The harms vaccines do are not really obscured and minor compared to the ravages of various infectious diseases. From all the anti vaccine material I have been reading they seem to be doing their best to exaggerate the dangers of vaccines, they will play up "vaccine injuries" because that generates the biggest number but includes things like injection site pain to bulk up the numbers, like anti gunners using "gun deaths" or "gun violence" to bulk up the numbers there. I don't see any of them talking about "vaccine deaths" because they are so few and far between and that generates a paltry number compared to how many die from the disease, except maybe for Gardasil.
And then they never look at or acknowledge the positive benefits of guns or vaccines or whatever they are anti because then the numbers are overwhelmingly against them and ruin their argument.
Tetanus is one disease it is very easy to track vaccination efforts against the resulting decline in death rates from tetanus. there is loads of data, but you reject it all right?
Like any chemical reaction the products of that reaction will be the greatest at time zero and then decline rapidly, the mostly offgas while curing and then not so much after. We have some pretty incredible assay technology, did you know that they can detect if a child's parent is a pot smoker, even if they don't smoke pot around the child?
It does not mean the children are actually being harmed by or exposed to cannabis in any significant way (not that cannabis is harmful) it just means we have some absurdly sensitive equipment.
Also, unlike some other diseases, you do not acquire immunity to tetanus by having tetanus.
Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is an infection characterized by muscle spasms. In the most common type, the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. These spasms usually last a few minutes each time and occur frequently for three to four weeks. Spasms may be so severe that bone fractures may occur.