Thank you Linda @canadian-coconut I went from this post, read your Steemit blog and you've answered a great many of my questions already. Am new to this platform so still familiarizing myself.
I run a page on Facebook page called Fully Informed Public. Looking to pull in as many topics/issues facing families today. I truly believe that a misinformed or "dis"informed person is much more dangerous to themselves and others than the uninformed. Censorship is becoming a big problem so am hopeful the platform here will be a bit more stable.
I will be inviting people from other groups on FB, email groups etc that are on this same track so will certainly be resteeming and promoting for like minded Steemians. People in the know, as you know, are quite busy, so want to make their experience here on this platform a bit smoother than its been for me so far. LOL Would be nice to get at least one Steemian from each of their groups/organizations and maybe transfer more work groups this way.
I'll be recommending new steemians follow @canadian-coconut @familyprotection @markwhittam and will check your Steemit blog and add to the recommendation list here.
Apparently Steemit has been running slow for a lot of people familiar with the blockchain platform and am hoping that is addressed soon.
Well I must Steem on, there is a great deal to learn. I am sure we will be talking more.
Let peace be the journey,
I'm glad that you are enjoying what I have written,
and I am really glad that you found Steemit.
Yes, hopefully Steemit fixes these glitches soon and things return to normal around here.