Rebecca Bredow, of the Detroit area, told ABC News that she would "absolutely" rather go to jail than vaccinate her son.
“I would rather go to jail for standing up for what I believe in than vaccinating my child,” Bredow said, adding she believes the decision to vaccinate your child is a “personal choice.”
"Now I have four-and-a-half business days ... to fully vaccinate, they want me to bring him up to the fullest extent medically allowed, which would be up to eight vaccines, in one dose," Bredow said. "And this is supposed to be done before 9 a.m. on Wednesday."
Bredow said that although she and her ex-husband share joint legal custody of her son, she is his primary caretaker.
This is such bull shit to force someone to have a medical procedure done to their kid. What else can a judge order you to do to your kids? What if the father wanted their son to have sex change operation and the boy was all for it but she wasn't, could the judge order her to get the operation. Sounds crazy but I bet that type of situation is coming.
I think I'd rather go to jail too, fuck this judge and his authoritarian rule. Get arrested make it a big fucking story around town and request a jury trial.
If I sound upset it's because these kinds of stories really piss me off. To think that because it good for the community you can go around violating people's rights is bull shit collectivism thinking.
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/michigan-mom-face-jail-time-vaccinating-son/story?id=50169471
Who ever don't see that pharmaceutical industry is corrupted is completly blind. So many corruption that man can't trust them with anything.
This is what the western world has turned into. We think we are the inligthen ones, but in reality, we are the most inslaved ones who actually believes all what our inslavers "propagandize" down the line. If we cant stand up for our children, whom are we to call ourselves parrents?.
I am with you and this is pissing me off too among many other topics such as cellphone radiation. People need to wake up and understand that the western world has turn into a copy of the old sovjet regime. I was born into Europe's communist stronghold, a country called Denmark:-(, but luckely I escaped :-)
Plastic is everywhere. We put everything in plastic, that is big problem. Saw one documentary about it. They tried to see where can traces of plastic can be found. Irony was, that in one of the places where no trace of plastic should be found, they found it. They realized that even container in which measurement were conducted were made of plastic and that everything is contaminated.
nice post
Benton G. Richardson, a lawyer for Bredow's ex-husband, told ABC News that "this case is not truly about vaccinations."
Richardson added that Bredow and Horne have been embroiled in an ongoing legal battle, and a court sided with Horne in November of 2016, ordering Bredow to vaccinate her son.
Court documents obtained by ABC News state that a court first asked Bredow to get immunizations for her son in November 2016, but state that as of September 2017 the child had not been vaccinated.
"It is our position that this case is not truly about vaccinations," Richardson said. "It is a case about Ms. Bredow refusing to comport with any number of the court's orders and actively seeking to frustrate Mr. Horne's joint legal custody rights."
The local and state authorities did not have much of a problem with her choice. It's her ex husband. Which in itself becomes another issue.
It's actually about the lies of the vaccine manufacturers, the lies of the FDA, the lies of the state government of Kalifornia, and the fact that forced, non-consensual (redundant I know) medical procedures are actual war crime under the Nuremberg code, and Geneva conventions.
From Mengele to Kalifornia, will the state ever stop trying to act like they own us? I don't think they will.
Sorry for the late response. No they won't try and stop squeezing anything from the populace. But. Aren't people part of the problem? If there was a consensus that vaccines, or other issues were a problem then the legislation that creates the law and the people who I force it are just as bad. Think about the "crazy" laws that are not enforced-25yrs ago you couldn't do certain things-go to any school w/out vacs. Now there is a choice. Her relationship with her husband is the same...first it's ok-no vaccines, they get divorced, get different ideas, disagree on vaccines. The law is for vaccination. Unfortunately until there is overwhelming evidence not theories or suppositions of being harmful vacswill be for the majority.
We don't live in a democracy. We live in a constitutional republic. It doesn't matter what nonsense the majority believes when it comes to individual natural rights.
The fact is that vaccines do cause harm. It is unfortunate that many people deliberately avoid the information that would disabuse them of the notion that vaccines are safe across the board, but that still does not give them the right to choose for me.
It is also a fact that ANY medical procedure that is mandated is in violation of individual natural rights, and international convention. Informed consent is required.
Self defense by all means possible is fully justified if these little Mengeles try to mandate medical procedures for me or mine. I would see civilization razed to the ground, and humanity extinct before I will surrender my individual natural rights to the ignorant.
While I may have sympathy for the woman in this post, I think that this is an example that should inform us all about the care we should take when deciding with whom we should or should not have children.
Unfortunately. We do not live a republic. Not for a while. The majority of the public doesn't know or understand this. They understand democracy.
The price I think is fair is, if there is damage from the vaccine, then everyone who is associated with the vaccination demand and delivery, forfeit their own lives, and the lives of their own children. That's close to fair.
However, since the documentation and proof that vaccines work, and the studies that deem them safe, cannot be provided, because they do not exist, the fair price question need never be addressed.
I wonder if the father is up to date on his own vaccinations? He probably hasn't has a vaccine since high school.
Such people are commonly hypocrites.
Agreed. Sometimes, when confronted with extremist authoritarian demands, I default to self defense by all means possible, immediately. This may be a case of 'pick your battles'. I like the 'offer they can't refuse' angle.
I'm continually looking for a solution to 'let the extremist violation of individual rights be punished in a way that fits the crime against humanity'. Mandatory vaccination proponents are some of the most dangerous people around. They are little Mengeles, all of them.
Thank you for the link. It looks like an amazing resource.
I could stand to lose some of the emotional language and gain fluency in the law.