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RE: Flu vaccine and a real life adverse reaction

in #vaccines7 years ago

What about a reaction to the mercury or aluminium? They don't save lives 100% of the time and even tell you they may or may not work. And nothing "prevents overall mortality". A healthy immune system will fight off the flu and a weak one is even more susceptible to the toxins in the injection. It is enough to push a sick person into death and then the illness is automatically to blame. Maybe reducing toxins and increasing healthy habits is the real answer to disease immunity...


No, your statement is simply not true. Vaccines absolutely save lives and the data is easily researchable.

If your looking to take a stance on a poison, perhaps sugar deserves all this negative attention. Yes Al and Hg are absolutely toxic, but poison is all about dosing. There is no master plan to slowly kill everyone with vaccines. Is it possible for someone to have an allergic reaction to "something" inside a vaccine? Of course!

Washington Times....
By Peter Lind - - Wednesday, December 31, 2014
WASHINGTON, April 10, 2013 - Gardasil, the vaccine for HPV (human papillomavirus), may not be as safe as backers claim.
Judicial Watch announced it has received documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded $5,877,710 dollars to 49 victims in claims made against the highly controversial HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines. To date 200 claims have been filed with VICP, with barely half adjudicated.
“This new information from the government shows that the serious safety concerns about the use of Gardasil have been well-founded. Public health officials should stop pushing Gardasil on children.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
The CDC recommends the Gardasil vaccine, made by Merck Pharmaceuticals, for all females between 9 and 26 years to protect against HPV. Furthermore, the CDC says Gardasil is licensed, safe, and effective for males ages 9 through 26 years.
The facts appear to contradict the FDA’s safety statements. The adverse reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011 as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The documents come from the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is used by the FDA to monitor the safety of vaccines.
That’s 26 reported deaths of young, previously healthy, girls after Gardasil vaccination in just one year.

This is tragic, but not as tragic as parents not vaccinating their children. I am not on the side of pharma, no doubt they push for profit.

The other side of the coin is these new vaccines like Gardacil actually prevent cancer. That's not as cool to post though.

All drugs are poison given the dose.

You only say they prevent cancer but how do you know? You only are regurgitating what you are told by big pharma and you doctor who are openly profiting on sickness and injections...
here is proof of "pushing for profits"...
This is the 2015 profit margin that Forbes estimated for the healthcare technology industry, making it by far the most profitable industry of all, with major and generic pharmaceutical companies leading the way. The company really setting the pace is Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ:GILD), which has a profit margin of nearly 53% over the last 12 months.
Of the $1.05 trillion revenue for the global pharmaceutical market, nearly half of it -- roughly $515 billion -- comes from the U.S. and Canada. However, the two countries make up only around 7% of the total world population.
$1.05 trillion-That's the total revenue of the global pharmaceutical market. To put that number in perspective, it's roughly one-quarter of what the U.S. federal government will spend in 2016

I said they don't say lives 100% of the time. No one can't even verify that the vaccine ever did "save a life" because the are for prevention, not curing. They have reduced deadly diseases but at the same time permanently damaged countless trusting people. And for the statement that vaccines don't kill here is an article from NPR -
I am not looking to take a stance on poison, I just think people who trust the CDC are crazy... And i didn't say shit about a master plan to kill us through vaccines...."Poison is about dosing?" That is creepy....

Vaccines absolutely save lives! No question! Preventing a deadly disease IS saving a life. Your argument against vaccines can be made about every single drug known to man. These arguments against vaccines are well intentioned but misinformed. My argument isn't all vaccines are 100% safe. My argument is simply vaccines are important and necessary. Do vaccines cause autism? Some people say yes and some people say no. No one knows with certainty. Right now there is an an association not causation. This is what gets really confusing. Look up acetaminophen and asthma. Then campaign against parents giving Tylenol, except again, that's association that has only recently been disproven.

You cannot only pull small studies and case reports. It simply does not give an accurate picture.

My argument is that you are injecting a perfectly healthy person with something that may or may not work for a disease you may or may not catch that 100% has unnatural poisons added and real risks. I have more faith in living a healthy lifestyle than I do in injecting dead diseases and heavy metals. Lay off the antibacterial hand soap and there is a chance your immune system will work normally and your body will fight off invaders. SO what about all the trusting and unsuspecting people who were damaged or killed by vaccines? Were they sacrifices that were necessary for the greater good? That is pretty twisted to prevent what might happen with sacrificing a percentage of real people.
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I do agree, a healthy immune system will fight off influenza. Ages at risk are the very young and very old. There immune systems for many reasons can quickly become depleted. Furthermore, it's the secondary infections, pnueomina, that kills people.

I also agree that society is largely very unhealthy! Again, crusade against something that truly kills people, um alcohol maybe!

Tell that to a parent of a vaccine damaged child, or the gentleman who's hearing was damaged by being forced into an anthrax vaccine by his commanding officer... and ya alcohol does kill people, it extremely toxic-that's why it is pushed through radio and television as being cool, safe and trendy...

You could make your same argument against antibiotics.

We should just allow people's immune system to fight everything?
