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RE: The true Science of Vaccines

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Ive always struggled to understand the arguments on both sides of the vaccine debate. Surely, people are welcome to their own opinions and more importantly, choices.

One thing i have noticed in these debates are a consistent "i know, i know" from both parties, but more from those who have arguments backed by science. Looking at history, science has always been theory until proven wrong, and there are thousands of cases where a scientist has said "Yes, this is the absolute! You must do this or that because my research has proven this is the only solution!" Only years later they are to be disproved by another scientist who then goes on to say the same thing.

If we take a look at global warming right now - many scientists say it is here and it will destroy the planet, while others say it is simply the earth going through its natural cycle. But these theories are all from scientists - all claiming their theories are backed by science.

We have become such an unhealthy species in general, where instead of working side by side with nature (exercise and good food) a doctor will now say "take these pills, and everything will be alright".

I am not doubting your article links, nor am i taking the absolute side of anti-vaxxing. On the contrary i do believe that these vaccines work to stop us from contracting certain diseases. However it would not suprise me if the scientific community was to find a natural alternative in the near future and eventually write-off vaccines. There is already an increase in cannabis oil being used to aide various disease and its symptoms.

One thing i am sure about is that i 100% dont agree with forced vaccinations, such as the blackmail style system being implemented here in Australia.


There are so many things that I want to comment on but instead I am holding my tongue...

Thats a shame, i would love to hear your opinions.

I hope my comments havent offended you, please understand they are nothing personal.

No it didn't offend me, I just see a few things in there that are incorrect but this isn't the time or place to, well, correct it.