Hello! From reading this post, I can immediately tell I will enjoy following you. A new Steemer, gaining traction and understanding daily, I look forward to engaging the platform, as my "Journey to Here" has, first and foremost, value to me.
I genuinely hope that I can generate value for others!@tarazkp
So much to dive into; I was just in conversation yesterday about the increased volume of CONTENT. I mean, OMG and WTF!!??
The collective consciousness is swamped, too much to choose from. Although I feel no pressure to "keep up with the content Joneses," it sometimes feels like a ongoing contest out there...
One of my many lessons learned along the way: just because I struggle to stay on the surface of things, issues, beliefs, and I prefer to take the deep dive, this way of doing & believing is not for everyone.
Distraction proves to be a valuable tool, so as to avoid digging beneath the surface of things! It's just not true value for me.
And yes, I do enjoy turning off from my deep thought processes, and switch on to a few episodes of GoT. I do enjoy bantering with my son over the smorgasbord of weekend NFL.
I could go on, but have to go. Peace out and enjoy the day!