Still more spaghetti on the wall marketing with nothing that will stick, no showing how any of these expenditures will create new users or create new investors. A simple marketing plan should be more along the lines that if I spend $x, I will create $y. This 25 day interval plan will cost $250k. At the end of the 25 days, consider how many users they might onboard. Let's be overly optimistic and say they create 100 new users, and let's ignore the fact most will be scared away by the doxxing and other irrational demands of hivewatchers. Should we really be spending $2500 per new user? The answer is, obviously, No. Of course, Blocktrades who should be given a vote of no confidence years ago, really won't care and RAM it through anyways-proving the critics right, that this is a very centralized block chain.
What happens to most of the vibes rewards? Most of the winners don't and won't care about hive, not even as a stable coin; it appears to be mostly a tribal based, in the literal sense, commissioned scheme to take advantage of valueplan's mental retardation. Just look how quickly winners divest. A next to zero chance for a return on investment. Bravo. Bravo. And if you follow the money, there are already payment solutions in south America using hive. So, why do we need to spend money in valueplan on this latter part, when they could just make a post on existing solutions and refer people to it and let the community determine the value of the information. Given this, do we really want them behind a LATAM (latin america) marketing plan? I mean, they still aven't done a SWOT analysis. Basically they realized hivewatchers pissed off all the Americans, The fork dumped much of the Koreans behind to steem, and the future of hive belongs, they reason, to countries, some of which are communists under heavy economic sanctions. Hence why the music of a random singer belonging to a particular tribe in African, or south America, is more prized a marketing target than the best music schools in the world. For the money valueplan is pissing away in vibes that will mostly just be liquidated, we really could be targeting the best rising talent in the world and a chance at investments.
I have nothing against the people of Ghana, but again, how is that suppose onboard new users or new investors. There is a difference between an investment and philanthropy, and people do not, unless there is something in for it for them, invest in philanthropy. And if they are to spend on philanthropy, it would be directly to a cause of their own choosing. Like so many of these items, we don't see a specific cost. We don't know what size piping would be required, what type of piping, what type of scaffolding is needed, if any, nor the price tag, how much it costs to ship the material, how much for labor, and how much for other expenses, how many people are we helping. How much are other existing charities doing the same exact work for in africa who have the benefit of doing this on scale. Without detailed accounting, it is ripe for fraud. Without costs comparison, it doesn't seem like it is about helping people, but more about personal interest-whether it be a free trip to Africa, or a genuine desire to feel like they are helping others. It's also not like 99.999% of us will travel to Ghana and inspect the work, but I suppose they counter and say they sent a video/photographer down there too at an additional expense.
And why are the valueplan funds being send directly to particular hive users, rather than a trust account that a user controls. Certainly the two Dans are familiar with keeping a separation of funds to prevent commingling of funds as to allow better financial transparency, but I haven't seen that practiced-and both should know better. And i suppose, as per always, no receipts will be provided-and, suspiciously, a lot of even HDB dollar pegged numbers even in international trade. This is a red flag. And Questions mount over the past expenditures. paying $10k in bracelets, where if we trust they were made at all, could be purchased for $1k. A little google search could save thousands of dollars. It is just a giant slush fund with zero accountability and zero oversight; just cronyism. What exactly happened in hive Venezuela? Why did value plan send lord butterfly to the miami art week? Why do we sponsor a racing team that frequently finished last, if a all. Why did we make documentaries that would be show to a film festival with de minimum attendance. Why do we pay hundreds of dollars to day for video/photography in Croatia of a race cars; is Croatia lacking in professional photographers? This USAID styled slush fund needs to be abolished.
You compacted the interval, but at this rate it would be over 3.6 million a year of hbd pissed down the drain that will come at the detriment of the hive token.
shame on all the parties involved in this most retarded waste of money, that has yet to show any return for the value. Cui bono? At best, it's being used to launder money to trade restricted countries, and give special people free vacations, free race cars, gig jobs that fail to reflect fair market value nor a return on value, and subsidizes from projects that just aren't returning, and were never designed to provide, any value. Its time to abolish valueplan. It is an embarrassment.
Never Trust the corrupt retards behind hivewatchers to manage a marketing plan. They are the number #1 reason why hive is dying to begin with, valueplan is the #1 reason why your investment in hive will continue to tank due to the tokenomics. To maintain HDB at $1, it comes at the detriment of hive. The two dans and smooth should get their head out of their asses, and say no to both these projects.
We can do better. Even starting to act like adults and saying no to half of these DAO projects, would be a huge sign of confidence to potential investors, including past ones who became disenfranchised because the centralized powers of hive have so far failed to get their act together.
Whilst I don't necessarily disagree with what you have written I have downvoted you for being a bit of a mad wank