This team need to stop burning through community funds.
I'm fully in favor of conferences, onboarding businesses and other activities that tie into hive and expand it's reach but with full accountability and receipts.
Money is being thrown away too easily and without any accountability. It's as bas as the US government right now with money going in all directions and nobody in charge of it or accounting for it.
It's also time to axe the rally car.
While it was an interesting experiment there is no signs that it has done anything to enhance our visibility or onboarded any new users or apps. Instead it's a very expensive junket for the guys driving the car on our dime.
I won't support this proposal and hope that others don't either until the team is reigned in.
- Drop the amount.
- focus on real initiatives for the chain.
- full accountability to the community.
These are not big asks but should be basic parts of any proposal looking for another 250K.
Crazy stuff.
They have the support of blocktrades and have zero need for accountability. They don't give a fuck and have also stopped responding to comments from people who want them to improve their processes.
This is quite honestly abhorrent behavior and will further bring down the reputation of hive as a platform this blatant shit goes on unchallenged.
Edit - I stand corrected they've responded. Hopefully I can find some good stuff in there!
You're absolutely right. I noticed the amount of money some specific people are receiving and sending directly to Binance in form of HIVE, it’s crazy. I didn't know about that. People who are not even Brazilian, earning money to go participate in Brazilian conferences in belo Horizonte. It's crazy. I really need to spend more time here on hive and understand what's happening . We need a DOGE here.
LOL we do need a "DOGE" version for Hive :D
Who is voting for this crap?