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RE: Value Plan Q3-Q4 'Bridge' Proposal

in #valueplan2 years ago

Hi, this is a great initiative!
Here, I am going to brief something on my mind.
I am from Sri Lanka, and I see a lot of people investing their funds in HYIP, PONZI & PYRAMID schemes during this crisis event to make instant profit. I am trying to introduce Hive to these people. (I could bring a few people here & now they are trading Hive at Binance).

What I am planning to do:

  1. Promoting Hive by organizing small charity programs.
    In Sri Lanka, people invest in crypto to get rich overnight. It's hard to change their mindset by organizing crypto introduction events because they view them as Pyramids or other Ponzi schemes. So, I will try a different strategy here.
    (I hope to initiate this process using the revenue generated via my apps & posts).

  2. Introducing Hive & HBD as a payment option.
    We (my colleagues and I) will initiate an export business (foods). We are planning to add HBD as the payment option. This might be a pilot project, and later we will suggest it to a broader audience.

  3. Hive as a platform for SL developers to provide their services.
    I believe Hive can evolve into a Fiverr-type Freelancer marketplace. Because we have a dollar-pegged (soft) token, and developers can promote themselves on a developer portal (we have no such platform yet - based on my knowledge). If we have such a portal and a mechanism for professional developers and clients, I think a lot of SL developers will be there.

Finally, I am asking for forgiveness if I spammed the discussion. The Value plan is a good initiative to promote Hive in the real world.
