Today I read in the local paper that in Ticino Switzerland someone paid about $35,000 for a license plate numbered 888.888. This begs the question, WHY?
This plate was purchased during an auction of so called "coveted" numbered plates during which 47 were sold for a total of about $767,000. Again I ask WHY?
What's the most ever paid for a vanity plate? Watch for the shocking answer! Photo credit:
Definition of Vanity!
Hmmm that doesn't sound like a very nice quality! Source: Google Dictionary
How is "Vanity Plate" Defined?
What is The Most Ever Paid For A Vanity Plate?
According to the site in 2008 Saeed Ghafour Khouri paid the equivalent of a staggering $14.3 million for the licence plate "1". See opening photo.
The Top 3 Most Expensive Vanity Plates in History
- 3. Dubai property owner Balwinder Sahni paid $9 million for a plate that has the number 5!
- 2. John Collins the owner of a company called Talacrest spent $813,622 for the plate 25 0 to put on his Ferrari 250 SWB
- 1. $14.3 million for the plate purchased by Saeed Ghafour Khouri
Did You Know?
- The money raised from the auction that sold the world's most expensive plate went to charity!
- Vanity plates can be a good investment as their value often keeps increasing over time!
- In 2013 UK's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency raised more than 88 million dollars selling personalized plates.
So, Are Vanity Plate Owners Really Vain?
I guess that it depends on your point of view. To those that buy them they are just a personal statement or even an investment. To most people though they are a pretentious waste of money!
When I lived in Ontario, Canada there were many personalized plates and I used to have fun trying to figure out what they said. For example KNOTTIE, WHYFOR, TEDEBEAR, GAZGZLR, NOT 4U or NICE 2 CU. The cost to convert a regular plate in Ontario to a personalized one is $310 Canadian Dollars ( $242 US). Perhaps at those more modest prices it's just good clean fun or even advertising!
What do You Think?
- Would you spend extra money to have a personalized or vanity plate?
- If Yes, up to how much would you spend?
- Were you shocked by the price of some of the plates?
- Are vanity plate owners really vain?
I hope that you enjoyed this article about Vanity Plates!
Until next time,
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
when money is equals to paper it happens...
This comment deserves a big upvote!
Thank you.
What for a OLDDOG Canadian plate? This is absolutely a vanity to me! Numbers doesn't give value to the person in my opinion...
OLD DOG is likely taken but I like to keep a low profile anyway!
Plates can be used to tell other more of who you are. They can express your personality or advertise a product or service. They can offer the feeling of being 'elite'. Are they vein you ask? Perhaps yes. It is not for me to say. It depends what the motive is. Is it about yourself or are you promoting a higher cause? One must consider the equation of the cost of the plate vs the return whether that be happiness, increased business, or promoting a worthy cause. For some it is just money and the end result cannot be priced. It is up to the person. For myself in certain cases I may choose to have one yes but would not spend a lot of money on it. There are more important things in life for me to do. Enjoyed the post my friend.
I always enjoy your thoughtful comments @enjoywithroy and I have similar opinions. Who am I to judge if someone is vain or not? in the case of the highest price paid apparently the funds went to charity.
I think it's rather strange, but to each their own. I'm not inclined to spend money on personalized plates.
A few months ago, I was driving to work and sat at a traffic light behind someone in a brand new top-of-the-line Jaguar with the plate "SO VAIN." Truth in advertising?
That plate that you saw fits in perfectly with this article. Thanks for sharing that!
When I was in dubai this year( I go every year) I always see insane cars with lisence plate numbers that seem just like that I was thinking if they can pay for a car like that then what’s a little more money ? to burn!
We have an original STEEM vanity plate for free :)))

Well, it's a joke, the plate was photoshopped.
I would never buy vanity plate, even If I would be rich. I'd rather spend my money for travelling. The price in your post is really shocking! But it's a good point that it went to charity! Investment? I don't know...I would rather invest in education, researching or green technologies.
Finally, a little numerology: eight is a very powerful number. In China it brings good luck. 888.888 brings much more good luck.
I love your photoshop abilities have you done any tutorials about your methods.
I had never thought about the numerology angle and in fact I was wondering what the attraction to all of the 8's was.
Some more numerology: if you turn the number 8 horizontal, becomes the "endless" sign. In timephysics, 8 is the source symmetry of light (6 is the source symmetry of space).
The ones who pay knows that they could make money . Myself should not pay more as long as number 13 is not in the plate.
You would pay for number 13? Why?
I would pay extra to change if number 13 is on the plate 😉
unbelievable.. it's just a plate... I would spend it to be a whale on steemit.. lol
That is a great idea. Imagine having millions worth is Steempower!
I am vain myself when my body was still normal.
I also planned to bleach my skin to make it fairer at one time.
So it is just like combing your hair to make it look good, some people just have the money for t.
I know what you mean. Most of us like to like to look our best!
Having a special message on my government issued plate isn't too high on my priority list so I imagine that even if I were a billionaire I wouldn't spend more than $500 USD on a personalized plate. Can't say for sure since I've never been a billionaire though. Many things could change!
The most memorable vanity plate I've seen was on a late model Corvette circa 2010 that read either PAIDCASH or PDCASH.
Yes, not too high on mine either. The funny thing where I live is that you're paying just to have a number not a message!
There are people who really have too much money. Some of them really seem to care about having things others do not. Maybe some things are bought as investments, but that's only because some other rich person may pay more, hence the $400 million Da Vinci painting this week.
There is a plate in the UK that is PEN15. I saw it once. Who would want that?
I'd have painted him one for half that!
I saw one in the UK a couple years ago that was: PIG POO. Funny, but pointless!!
Funny but I'm not sure I'd want it attached to something that I drive.
It really is amazing what people will pay for objects.
When you have more money than you know what to do with, things like this happen. Sad and annoying, but the reality of the world we live in
Imagine the good that could be done with that money. In the case of the world record plate apparently the proceeds went to charity. Still.
Hiiii old dog/ @kus-knee, nice issue you point out about the vanity plate. I never do that because it's just a wastage of money. Many peoples have craze to look different and prominent to others, so they try to bought every thing according to their will. Many peoples have craze to take their mobile no. As same vanity plates. But I have no interest.
"Drive the cheapest car that you've ego can afford".
Its nothing just waste of money to satisfy self ego...Make good use money that God has given you by helping needy people.
Helping others is wonderful and leads to happiness!
I think they look good but one of the main problems is the fact that by advertising/showing off like this means that you car is easily recognised and memorised by police and any member of the public. This is fine if you drive sensibly!! But most people that can afford a personalised plate don't have cheap cars. Flash fast cars are usually driven hard and fast so it's just a recipe for disaster when having a personalised plate.
Good point.
When you have more money than brains, these things occur. This kind of money can be better spent.
It would be intereting and inspiring to see it out to other uses.
My buddy had one back during Vietnam that said... FFORP! By the way, did you see my potholes???
Hey friend, I couldn't find your asphalt photo!
Well here ya go...
You are a true artist!
You're too kind!
Personally I won't spend money like this. It is very wasteful. There are so many things to do with money that will benefit several lives around the world. This is my opinion. Thanks @kus-knee for this post.
How much good could we do for others with that money!
A lot of good especially in our immediate environment. The good will start from where you are first. You will be amazed what that little help you gave to someone, will do in their lives or help them achieve. As little as $500 might seem to some people, it might be all that someone somewhere would need to achieve a dream and become a millionaire in the future.
Too many people spend money they did not earn, things they do not need, only to impress people they do not like.
That is so, so true!
that's lot of money...
If I had money I may get a personalized number but I am sure I will not spend this much money, If the auction is for a good cause like clarity I will go as far I could other wise maximum will be around $1000. If they have money I would not mine what they do but if I have money I will spend them for the well being of needed people.
I like your way of thinking!
Being the old fuddy-duddy that I am I just don't want to stand out and be a target of some sort. Old school???? Thanks for another interesting post!
I don't like to stand out either.
It is due to imbalance between the races. Rich can sleep on the bed of roses, but poor have to live hand to mouth. Thanks for the great share.
You are right. There is a big difference i so called quality of life depending on where we were born!
I just know that. That it is very expensive
So true!
OMG that's an insane amount to spent !!! :O
Insanity reigns supreme!
Interessante..non ho neanche la patente di guida, non mai voluto guidare una macchina, figuriamoci se spenderei dei soldi per una targa..🙂
Ah però quanti soldi hanno da spendere questi personaggi, se vanno in beneficienza però ben venga!
Non guidi, beata te! In certe città si può muovere molto bene con i trasporti pubblici. A Zurigo per esempio la linea è fantastica. Cosa usi te una bici? Quello sarebbe il mio sogno ma habito in montagna!
Eh si sono fortunato...! :)
Uso i trasporti pubblici oppure la mia compagna ha la macchina, la bici ce l'ho ma non la uso mai..
Lavoro a due minuti a piedi da casa, ho preso apposta la casa vicina per comodità!
Nel paesino dove abito ci metti ben poco per girarlo tutto a piedi, ci sono 5000 persone ed è a 500 metri d'altezza..
A che quota abiti in montagna?
For many people buying the really expensive vanity plates, they are statement about how rich and successful they supposedly are. This is clearly vain and an attempt to impress others.
But the more modestly priced ones can be viewed more like fun and personalization.
But I don't think I would spent much on stunting like that myself, especially keeping in mind that it wouldn't be hard for the plate to exceed the value of my car ;)
"it wouldn't be hard for the plate to exceed the value of my car ;)"
Good one!
This an nonsense - wrong way of thinking.
Very strange indeed!
Some people pay for bling for their phone.
Others, the car is their personal statement.
After custom wheels, a vanity license plate seems cheap.
But, I think we are seeing the end of an age.
With all the hate on oil, that big oil is propagandizing,
I see more and more people going carless.
The car is no longer the symbol of freedom it used to be.
Too much gas expense
Too much insurance expense
Too much licensing expense.
People love to show their personality.
In the scheme of things, I do not feel that a vanity plate is very vain.
Thanks for your interesting and thought provoking comment @builderofcastles!
no I would never spend that much no matter how multimillionaire or billionaire I'm going to be
what a waste of money ey!
they should have just funded a feeding program elsewhere people get hungry than pay that s$#@** plate
I'd rather use that money to fund a program of organic gardening in Africa or any of the third world country so the people could grow their own food and sell so they could also be self sufficient than buy that st**** plate .. what a waste!
You have some brilliant ideas and the organic gardening one is wonderful.
thanks !
Really in the world there are people or personalities who have a lot of money, some for vanity, others induced to saver because they make these expenses or incredible investments.
in my particular case, by my way of being and by my economic position I would never spend a fortune for vanity. believe that there are other examples of having a real fortune in investing or spending money.
excellent work dear friend, very good research, thank you very much for sharing all this information.
I approve the opportunity dear friend @ kus-knee to wish you a wonderful weekend, surrounded by family and friends.
Thanks for your well wishes dear @jlufer! Blessings to you and yours!
Thank you, very entertaining article. Its crazy. Probably spending 14.3 mio$ for Saeed Ghafour Khouri is for spending 20$
I think that you are right about that!
I think the world is off its rocker.
Every day more and more!
great post@kus-knee
thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing this Great article People do unbelievable things ^^ :) waiting for new articls following you :)
That it is very expensive,,,,,,,,,,,
but I like your post..........///////
I think it is nothing but waste of money. Simple answer.
I think I've got better things to purchase, but I do have fun trying to f1gure out what some 5ay.