
It's funny, I've realized that I'm actually leaning MORE towards better quality things, just having very few of them. I used to be a huge shopper and I'd be fine with buying poor quality because I knew I'd want to buy whatever the next fashion was. Now I just want whatever will hold up the longest and be the most versatile and functional. So in some ways, I feel more materialistic (I just bought my first Arc'Teryx jacket) but also, I only own a few pairs of pants. It's a funny balance!

And as far as cleanliness and organization, I've never kept my house so clean! Having a single item out of place makes the whole space feel like a mess!

LOL I should have rephrased that. I meant designer stuff that I can't utilize every day or have a practical use for. Louis Vuitton handbag? I'd rather invest in a good pair of hiking shoes or a jacket I can wear in all kinds of weather. I'm the same way. I buy better quality items in the hopes that they'd last a lot longer. :D

Oh definitely! I do have a pretty serious lululemon addiction though!