Steemit on my Steam Maker!

in #vape8 years ago (edited)

Representing with my Vaporizor


This isn't what I normally post, but I recently bought a new vaporizer from Joytech. The device allows you to upload custom logos. Of course, I had to STEEM-up my steamer.

If you've got a Joytech device and would like to add the Steemit logo to it, you can download the logo here.



Hehe..tha's dope man. Original idea and pretty little Vaporizer. Steem on dude. (; had this up in discord chat when you were talking about your computer troubles. I thought it was your tower! Yeah I use Joytech...but the ones I got like 6 yrs ago are still working for me.

This is still one mean look'n machine though.

waiting for a parcel with this sucker :))

Nice, I've been happy with mine so far.

I have a Smock Stick... Cool

Awesome picture but how did u get that picture on the digital display?

I got the Joytech software from here

You have to choose software for the device that you own. Plug in your device, run the software, click on "Logo" and choose the logo that I linked in my post.

Wow .. nice idea .. thx for sharing