AOKI Smash - Birthday Cake in Yo' Face

in #vape8 years ago (edited)

One of my tipsters let me know about this great juice coming out officially next week called Aoki Smash; amply named after the cake throwing DJ. Long story short, in the world of vape juice and distributors that aren’t always the most official of secret keepers: I got my hands on a bottle. Not dropping location names on this one, since after surfing the web for some background info on this juice; I fell across a few vendors that suddenly “no longer had any product coming” after dropping the ball a bit early.

aokismashAoki Smash: Birthday Cake In Yo’ Face

AOKI does drop some ‘hella beats when it comes to top rate club music, but can his hobbyist passion for vaping give him the thumbs up when it comes to a vapable product? VapeGoons are the official mix masters behind this product, and in the past, they have not let me down. My daily driver juice has a VERY similar target profile, and I must say right from the beginning I was utterly satisfied with the true “cakey-ness” of this juice. In comparison to my beloved “Birthday Bash” it was a more refined cake taste, but where the spicy taste I love was normally, it was perfectly replaced by awesome frosting flavor. Now, this juice is literally your 16th birthday reminiscing in your mouth; the exhale has great slight cinnamon and vanilla flavoring, and the experience was overall very positive.

On a slightly negative note, I couldn’t see myself sitting down for a full episode of any Netflix hour-long and continuously vape this stuff – the flavor profile quickly wears into what almost tastes like plastic. To be fair, I did retry the experience quite a few times, and my conclusion for myself; is that I couldn’t continuously vape this particular juice all day, or even for a few hours.

TLDR: A great treat to remind you of the last time you saw your Great Aunt Margeret, and the “money card” that had a $5 check in it.


Interesting! i upvoted it! And following

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