Back To Vaping

in #vaping7 years ago

I few years ago, I managed to make the switch from cigarettes to vaping. This was a huge thing for me, as I have found I cannot quit any other way. But then we got a new government, and our new Health minister at the time listened to the combined lobbying voices of the tobacco companies and the anti-cancer folks (who see vaping as normalizing smoking), and suddenly it became illegal to get any liquid with nicotine content.

Like the addict I am, I went right back to smoking. Thanks, health minister and anti-cancer organizations. BIG HELP. Time has passed, that minister has gone the way of incompetent politicians whose parties are out of power, and the ban was lifted. But I am set in my ways. And also often poor. While vaping is cheaper in the long run, there's an initial investment, and I kept balking at it.

Recently, I got a nice payment for a gig, and decided it's time. My dental issues were a big factor in this, as my dentist told me in no uncertain terms that I have to reduce my smoking. So I bit the bullet and went online to decide what to get.

Image credit: Joyetech website

After a great deal of research, I settled on the Joyetech eGo AIO Box. I had used Joyetech's products in the past, and found that their eGo line provides good value for money. I liked the idea of a device that's a single unit, not the old style battery plus tank systems that I used to use. The reviews were decent, and it was in stock. I went with the red one, because I like red.

I am now a couple of days back into vaping, and I have only smoked a handful of cigarettes. Weaning myself completely took a bit of time last go-around, and I expect it won't be much different this time. I bought vanilla flavored liquid, with a pair of smaller tobacco flavored containers for backup. I don't think I'll be using those, though. The vanilla is basic, but it's fine. And I love vanilla.

Bad Rep

If I'm honest - and I always try to be as honest as I can with you guys - one of the reasons it took me so long to get back to vaping has been the reputation it has garnered. A combination of zealot users and a hostile media environment has giving electronic cigarettes a bad reputation. In that respect, vaping is a bit like blockchain, actually. both have tremendous potential for good, significant potential for abuse, and a terrible mainstream reputation.

But in both cases, folks have to weigh what's good and bad for them. I don't trade in cryptocurrency, except to use some of my Steemit earning to buy small items. But I do enjoy Steem, and have become involved in various facets of this community. And I'm vaping again. Because there's one thing we know for sure about ecigs: They're probably not good for you, but they're definitely better than smoking. And I can't quit smoking without them.

So that's my new normal. I'm back to vaping.


I was also going to write an article about vaping because I quit smoking 2 years ago and vape to to keep from smoking. I've been trying to make health improvements in my life and I count that as one of them. I just recently stepped down to 3mg from 6 for so long and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it. I totally can relate to your article and the frustration from about the big tobacco and other special interests. I just feel better and I know for a fact I am healthier for quitting cigarettes.