How i stopped smoking, with zero trouble, by finding something better (Vaping - E-cigarette)

in #vaping7 years ago

Hello my Friends,

Today i decided to write a short piece about vaping. One of my newest passions.


At the start of 2017 i finally decided to stop smoking, and i was terrified by just the thought. I smoked around a pack a day, and had been doing so for many years. When googling for ways to help me stop smoking, i stumbled upon vaping, the e-cigarette.

Being a skeptic, i bought a random starter-pack ( A cheap one), and when it arrived, i just opened it, and started using the device. The same evening i suddenly realized, that i didn't smoke for hours, and never even felt the urge to do so. That was an eye-opening moment for me. And as such, I've been vaping even since.

And now for the reason i wanted to make this post ; The mainstream media loves to bash vaping, maybe because they are just uninformed (very shameful for a media outlet), or perhaps there are some darker, corrupting reasons for them to do so. .. I'm not here to go deeper into these theories, as i would rather just disprove them. The last years a lot if scientific reports have come out in favor of vaping, but you never hear anything about that in the daily media. It's getting so bad that some people actually think that vaping is worse than smoking...

A really sad fact, encouraged by our media and crooked government, and i bet you it's just all about the money. These people literally have blood on their hands, and i can only hope that some day they will get that bad karma thrown right back at them.

So, here are some clips talking about the truth of vaping, and that will clearly show that our fear-mongering officials and media have it wrong, as usual. If you are a smoker, just like i was, there is hope. If i can quit, anyone can, not by having to quit, but by replacing it with something far less dangerous, and far more enjoyable. I hope this helps someone to give it a try, and change their lives for the better. Please check these :

Formaldehyde in Electronic Cigarettes vs Combustible Tobacco - Robert Cranfield.

Five Scientific FACTS - About E-Cigarette/Vaping - Qorax Stan

Vaping & E-Cigs: What Are The Dangers? - A Doctors Opinion (BBC)

I haven't created any of the videos above, i just wanted to share them because of the important information they contain.
All rights and credits go to the original creators.


I quit smoking and started vaping about 3yrs ago. I breath better feel better and when I don't have my vape, I don't freak out like when I didn't have my smokes. Went a couple days without vaping, (when I was out of town fixing the power lines after a big fire) and didn't have major cravings like I did cigarettes. I am down to 1mg ejuice that I make myself.
I had my sister in law tell me that her friend is a nurse in the emergency department and that they have had 3-4 young kids come in and drop dead from e-cig vapor. I called BS immediately and said if that happened the news and tobacco industries would be all over it. So nice try and tell your friend to quit making up stories when u don't know the truth.

Oh ya and forgot to mention I no longer smell like an ash trey and my co-workers enjoy guessing the flavor of the day 😉

Hey, i have heard many similar stories all around me, and just like you say, it's just clear and obvious BS.

Really cool to read how you can even go without your vape, i myself am not that far yet. I really love my vape, and miss it when the battery dies, of when i simply forget it. But indeed,the drama is much less then the reaction i had while on the cancer-sticks. :D

STEEM ON AND VAPE ON !! (And smell good doing so, lol) ;)

What mod are you using? I've been using the Smok TFV8 with the T8 coils and the Wismec reuleaux 2/3 at about 130 watts. Been rocking this setup for about 1-1/2 yrs. The flavor u get is amazing!! Oh ya and gigantic clouds. Lol. A co-worker like to call me Vape-Cloud. Lol

I hear great things about the Reuleaux, personally im vaping on the Pico 75 watt. Great mod for a starter like me. It came with the melo tank, but i switched to an RTA so i can build my own coils. It's the white bone mini from Oumier, and i think it's a great tank ! Haha Vape-cloud, that's awesome :) They sometimes call me "the little steam engine".

But i sometimes love my MTL-setup aswell, especially in the morning. I still have an AIO and the Vaporezzo Drizzle, to get my morning fix. Then for the rest of the day, its clouds, bro, clouds :D

I will take a pic of all the mods i have, went thru quite a few to find the one that suits me. The reuleaux is on my watchlist, like i said, i keep hearing good things about it. :D

I did the coil building for a while got tired of it and lazy. 😉 The tfv8 tank is amazing. I let a few people try mine and they got online and ordered one up for themselves.
The setup is pretty big but it still fits in the side pocket of my work jeans so all is good in vapetown.

Thanks for the picture, that tank looks awsome !! Here in the EU we are bound to that max 2ml tanks, but im looking to import something bigger from the web. Going to take a pic of my setup & E-liquid chest this weekend, ill show you later.

What liquid flavour do you love ?? Here at the moment its Lemon Tart by DinnerLady, really love that juice. :D