I ended up here when friend told me about Steemit, saying exactly same thing that it lacks modern music genres and musicians. As far as I can tell now it's cryptotraders den :) so your article was a big find!
I'm musician, yes - mostly in ambient / drone genres, you can check my output here, if you like such things - https://creation6.bandcamp.com/ As for vapour, I run this label - https://globalpattern.bandcamp.com and collect tapes from other labels as well :)
And DreamCast96 is your alias?
I've not been making music since around this post actually lol. Focusing on crypto stuff now, although I'd like to help build a vaporwave community around here. I just created a discord with nobody yet. Feel free to join and have a chat: https://discord.gg/tGvZJ5
And nope, I usually just put up music with random names each time. Pure vaporwave haha
True vaporwave, indeed, haha :)
Joined discord!