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RE: Are those who kill and eat animals more manly?

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

You're welcome to your opinion but you posted so many false things so fast I couldn't even finish reading your article. And I'm just too busy right now to argue with someone who is clearly extremely biased.
I've seen your posts before and choose not to engage you because you appear to be extremely set in your ways. I've discovered it's not worth my time trying to reach the more extreme carnists because they don't care much about trying to find the truth, they mostly just want to justify their habits.

To me what it sounds like is that you didn't do veganism right and now you think it's somehow unhealthy because you messed up and didn't eat enough or whatever.
The scientific and historical evidence is just so overwhelming that I find it almost comical whenever someone tries to debunk veganism at this point.

I am willing to go into a serious debate with you on this subject if you want to, I'm willing to get into the gnitty gritty, the deep details of each relevant scientific study, though I have my doubts it's going to work out based on your attitude and what I've seen from you.

PS there's no proof eating meat did anything for us evolutionarily speaking and the more common theory is that it was the discovery of FIRE and COOKING to cook PLANTS, which lead to the evolutionary adaptions which makes a LOT more logical sense if you really think about it. However, I can see already based off your first few arguments and the previous things you've said that trying to engage with you will probably be unreasonable seeing as you're ignoring massive amounts of empirical data while resorting to fringe weird pro animal agriculture industry information.

You can believe vegans are all the awful stuff you believe as much as you want, but the truth is.. According to the biggest group of health professionals in the world, veganism is healthful for every stage of life including babies, old age, and highly demanding athletics, which makes sense cause we have vegan athletes dominating in virtually every sport in the world and who hold world records for strength and other athletics, yet somehow I'm suppose to believe plants are bad for us? It's absolutely ludicrous. Enjoy your beliefs.


you posted so many false things so fast I couldn't even finish reading your article

This could be part of the problem. I think it's important to read conflicting information, no matter how sharp it grates against us. You say you'd be willing to get into a debate with me, but if you can't even bring yourself to read and comment on my side of the argument, we wouldn't get very far, would we.

You accuse me of being extreme and biased. I don't think so – I read actual scientific studies and draw reasonable conclusions. It looks to me like you get all your 'facts' from vegan/vegetarian propaganda sources.

Unlike you, I don't find it comical. It worries me. I've got kids and grandkids that are exposed to this dangerous and persuasive propaganda. I feel it's my duty of care to let others know that the vegan diet causes harm in the majority of people who maintain it long term. BTW, most abandon the vegan diet before they reach the year mark.

Set in ways: not really. I constantly upgrade and adjust my position when I come across new and convincing information. I learn. I grow. I improve (hopefully). Sometimes I get it wrong. We all do. But if I learned anything, it's that any type of belief is a dangerous thing. It causes you to close your mind to other possibilities. Here's an earlier blog of mine to illustrate how I'm not the believing type: The Cult of Belief.

there's no proof eating meat did anything for us evolutionarily speaking

Just plain wrong. This shows me you are getting all your 'scientific facts' from vegan sources.

According to the biggest group of health professionals in the world

Yes, believe everything your government tells you. That's never gone badly for anyone, right. Hmmm.

Feel free to come over and show me where my facts are wrong. I'm always open to learning and adjusting my position in the face of solid evidence.

Best wishes
