Thank you so much for this brilliant article. I have been vegan for almost a year now, and it has been the most impactful event on my life.
I've been struggling to put it in words. Everything you write is connecting with me. You really did a good effort putting it into words :)
I wish all my friends and family would read and understand this truth. It makes so much sense and yet so much people don't feel it (yet). It's so hard to connect with them sometimes. But on the other hand it's hard to blame them, because I was once like them. And also, the thing is, people can't seem to shake off the preachy religious connotation that comes with expressions like 'the truth' and 'I was once like them'.
It's such a delicate and taboo subject, at least that's what I experience with the people around me. People are so emotional about food and habits. I have to watch what I say all the time, pretending to not see what I see when they stuff their mouths, and all I want to do is yell it in their faces because it's so urgent.
On the other hand it's not at all hopeless, I notice some people are being influenced by my behaviour.
Ah well. Thanks again for sharing this with us.
Indeed, it is one of the most taboo and sensitive subjects there is. Thank you for posting such a well-thought out comment @bewustzijn
I totally identify with your words!