It's beautiful AND healthy. But still probably more effort than I want to put in early in the morning :)
This time of year I have a grapefruit (because I can go in the back yard and pick it) and a bowl of Greek Yogurt mixed with rolled oats and topped with berries. Raspberries are my favorite.
Thanks for a great recipe, and the time and effort it took to share it with us.
Haha fair enough, I have to remember that easy for me is still maybe too much for others. I tend to spend a lot of time with my food ;)
Mmmm yum! Grapefruit is something I am dearly missing from my life! Do you have the red or white variety? I wonder if they would keep if I convinced you to send me some in the mail ;)
I love raspberries too... another thing I don't have here. Wahh... I am really missing the fruits I grew up with after this post. That is one thing about living somewhere else- I get new and exciting things to try here but I miss what I grew up on! Enjoy them for me! :) Do you have some berries growing too?