My non-vegan friends always have a very common argument that eating or consuming any animal product is their personal choice. But what exactly is a personal choice? By definition, a personal choice is something that they personally choose to do. Does this include to murder someone, it is someone’s personal choice to rape someone, it is someone’s personal choice to kill animals, it is someone’s personal choice to pollute the environment, etc. Yes, it could be a personal choice for anyone but that does not make any of them “justified” or ethical.
A personal choice is personal till it does not harm any other living being. Smoking could be a personal choice but smoking in front of anyone who affected by your smoking not remain personal as other person forced to inhale smoke even if he does not want to smoke. Similarly polluting the environment could be a personal choice but how polluting an air/water which is used by others also could be a personal choice?
The people who argue that eating meat is a personal choice always forget that animals also involved in their choice, an animal, a sentient being is tortured to death for meat eater or animal product consumer.
Rape, murder, and exploitation could be a personal choice but these are fundamentally unethical and cannot be justified by personal choice. Similarly, it is never your personal choice to eat meat. There is nothing personal about it as you are not alone in your choice, you must think about other sentient beings!

I’ve never thought about it this way. Thanks for giving us a new perspective.
Comparing eating animals to rape, murder etc. is pointless and will achieve little. Rather than preaching about why people should exercise their personal choice of eating animals, may be focus on why being vegan may be good. Talk about scientific reasons why veganism is healthy and the beef industry might be the biggest pollutant in the world. One can argue against those points but at least its not preaching and largely a scientific argument.
I don't know if you are vegetarian or vegan, but domesticating a bunch of cows and exploiting them for milk and dairy is also torturous for the animals. May be stop consuming dairy. May be stop wearing woolen clothes, may be stop buying leather goods.
Food habits aren't that simple. There are some countries with abundant agricultural resources that can grow grains and vegetables but others have to rely on meat and that has culturally continued. Also, eating meat is ok. You have made quite a big assumption when you say animals are being tortured for getting that meat. If I can instantly kill an animal without the animal feeling anything, then meat eating should be ok for you. May be you can talk about how we can kill animals without torturing them.
I don't know what is your point but I am clear that meat is a murder, milk is a rape, wool. honey and silk is torture and murder.
His point is that it is alot more effective to emphasize the positives of being vegan instead of the negitives of eating meat.
I believe all survival is at the cost of others; when you where conceived millions of sperms died, they could all have resulted in a different "you"!
Like wise, do you live in the woods ? If you live in a human built structure that means you are occupying former animal habitat!
Life is brutal!
I agree with you that in order to "live" you have to ignore the needs of living beeings to a certain level and that life in general is not very just. But it is up to the most intelligent spezies to change that, like humand kind changed a lot in the last 2 centuries and this has absolutely nothing to do with building huge torture houses for a trillion animals and destroy rainforests just in order to produce loads of food for animals that shouldnt be consumed anyway in these amounts (2-3 times meat on a daily basis is becoming very normal) due to health reasons. On top of that there is clear correlations between
Cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer and the consumption of animal products in general and with (processed) meat and sausages in particular. And dont forget the environmental harm that affects us all again...So to summarize: It is unethical, ignorant and also a bad idea for your personal choice, due to helth reasons, to loop back to this article.
I think it all has to do with convenience primarily and also the lack of willigness to change established patterns but this personal choice thing is becoming a huge problem for human kind unfortunately:(
Yes ,our freedom ends where others start
as long as "others" are other people.
Not Eating Meat Proteins Isn't a 'Personal Choice'
It's a biological necessity.
Vegan is Dangerous for the O Blood Type
Every O blood type vegan I've ever met has health issues such as anemia, heart issues, epilepsy, strokes and more. The O vegan with epilepsy sees their episodes disappear for a while, every time they eat some quality lamb. Go figure, eh? I'd rather personal choice a bit of lamb over not having a choice over seizures, no?
O's need meat proteins. Avoid them at risk.
The rest of the blood types also have issues without meat proteins. The issues aren't as severe but they're still very real.
It is true that a person's personal experience is up to him, but there are things that do not match about a person's personal experience that can destroy people laen or anything that is not good..
Thanks you my friend
Thank you for this valuable article. I always find it difficult to talk to people claiming that eating meat is a personal choice. They are often so stubborn and don't want to listen to the facts. I very often end up not going out with them anymore. This is my personal choice :)
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Animals aren't people. There is a food chain and we are typically on top. As an apex predatory animal humans are well adapted to meat eating. A pig would happily eat you if it got the chance.
It is a myth that we are on top of food chain and can eat whatever animal we want.
which animal can't I eat?
Can you hunt and eat an animal like any carnivorous?
I was doing so yesterday.
i find it most interesting that vegetarians and vegans either do not know about, or will not talk about, the fact that, while plants and animals may both have proteins, the proteins between the two categories are molecularly different, and that consuming one, does not compensate for a lack of the other.
Humans may not need as much meat as the typical american (or even western european?) commonly eats, but that does not mean that we, as a set of species, can go full veg, and abandon all aspects of animal product diet altogether.
I also find it telling, and unsurprising, that people who do go vegetarian (especially vegans) develop health problems within the year, and have to discontinue their abstinence of animal-based foods. It is a problem which is apparently not often talked about, in those circles, especially when one is quietly adding cheese and eggs into their diet, while still keeping up appearances of being vegetarian or vegan.
On our planet only plants make their food all other living being directly or indirectly dependent on plants. It means source of all nutrients and protein is plants. There are so many species are vegan. I am vegan from last 4 years and perfectly fine, even better then when I was non-vegan.
Please wakeup , get some knowledge from authantic sources and go vegan.
Great post
Well, there are personal health benefits of not eating meat as well. Your post intrigued me literally, and I found something interesting while doing my research on it.
Eating meat leads to inflammation of the stomach and is a major reason for various diseases. Things like heart attacks and strokes are more likely to happen. Avoiding meat controls cholesterol level in the body thus reducing the possibility of heart-related diseases. It is also considered healthy for the skin and also removes acne and blackheads. And of course one of my personal reasons is not gaining additional weight.
Basic Vegan Logic! Good work! Upvoted and Followed.
Thank you @ura-soul
Totally!!! Thank you for bringing out the big guns on this topic, they need to hear it!