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RE: Vegan or Paleo, that is the question

in #vegan8 years ago

That's great you are taking steps to become healthier. I would never stop doing research though. I have a few problems with veganism, but first of all, what's wrong with eggs, particulary eggs from my dad's chickens that are free range and get to run around doing chicken stuff all day? Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods around, chickens lay them naturally, and the evidence of fat and chlorestol from good sources being bad for you is actually pretty limited. From my research and experience, eggs should be a part of any healthy diet, especially since your brain is all fat and your body needs to make chloresterol in order to regenerate it. My diet is built on balance and getting whatever I eat from the cleanest, most natural, and most local source I can. But I also think we're all a little different and need to find our own diet that works for us. Never stop questioning or exploring! Good luck!


Thank you for commenting, Sam. Yes, I agree with you about maintaining an attitude of curiosity and keeping on researching. Your father's chickens sound very happy. :-)

They seem happy! I hate the big Ag business too but I think humans and animals can have a more syngeristic relationship instead of just exploitive. Also, animals play a roll in raising plants too: eating bugs, roughage, producing fertilizer, so I think a balanced farm should raise both. Nevermind that the facts that humans have been eating animals since as far back as we can tell, or that all animals have to consume some other form of life to survive, or that those studies don't usually take into account the loss of habitat for animals big veggie farms create too. To me, it's not about what you eat but having respect for all life and seeing yourself as a part of the whole. We will be something's food one day too ;)