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RE: How I Became Vegan... or "Meat-Eaters Convinced Me of the Immorality of Eating Animals"

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

fantastic post.. beautifully written. if you want to look at the science and facts its all out there in black n white to read.. Its such a Hot topic. because trying to take meat away from SOME people is just very painful work.. a LOT of the problem is that may western cultures have no idea how to cook without meat, and assume vegan only means very boring or bland and unappetising food.. that is SO not the case, and you only have to look here on steemit to see an endless stream of incredible vegan foods..

if we are ever to move past meat and 2 veg as we say in England, we are going to need more education, and better food for kids at a young age and at school. Most schools in the UK and USA serve total junk foods to kids and make no effort to educate them and get them used to eating real food. In fact schools have sold out to big business and install and prime kids for sweet drinks, coke, burgers and the like in exchange for money. As always with most things I seem to write about lately,.. its the system that keeps encouraging the very worst habits in the worst ways!

With all that said, the vegan diet does seem to be becoming Much more poplar these days, and with social media and sharing being as easy as it is, maybe this will be the new trend ..

my inspired quote for the day
"animals are people too you know!"