To a conditioned mind, thinking of a nutrition plan that consists solo of fruits might sound like a mystery.
I must admit, it sounded to me the same... few years ago, when I firstly learned about the concept - I was going through day eating meals that fitness world taught me too eat
Just protein... terrible protein from worst sources, no carbs at all & some fats... lots of supplements
While I was gaining lot of muscle & strength, at the same time, my inside was slowly dying
All my organs were declining & that was happening simply cause I was eating dead, artificial food
Food that consists no light & it was processed or even worse - made in laboratory
Nowadays, whole food industry is based on it - food FROM THE BOX, that kind of food greatly contributes to globalists policy - they control the pharmacies, modern medicine etc
It's pretty much a Circulus Virtiosus, once you go in - you can't go back
Your health slowly starts to decline, sooner or later you'll visit the doctor - he'll prescribe you chemicals that won't heal you but rather eliminate the symptoms, as time passes your body will have less & less light (it will be more toxic) & eventually you'll develop serious disease, or even cancer
That's pretty much what this whole rigged system is standing on - false beliefs, propaganda, lots of lies & deception
In a reality like that, it might sound hard to eat the right food for you and take care of your health. But believe me, IT IS NOT! Nature has every possible answer you might need, you just need to search - and listen
When you start searching on right places you'll slowly realize, many Greek philosophers for example ate nothing but fruits throughout their lives, easily reaching 200+ years while their hair didn't turn grey!
And this is not even a top secret, it's just something you won't learn in school. Yeah, mos def you'll teach something about the, but most crucial secrets for your development - you won't
Greek philosopher Pythagorus was a fruitarian...
The ancient Greeks, before the time of Lycurgus, ate nothing but fruit, and each generation reached the age of 200 years.
- Plutarch & Onomacritus

I'm not trying to change your beliefs, or anything - I'm just urging you to give it a try
But beware, your whole life might change. Don't listen to the BS that fitness industry is propagating, fruit sugar has nothing to do with fake - processed sugars!
Fruit sugar is as good for you as mother's milk, and if consumed in right way - you can consume it in as big quantities as you might prefer! Enjoy that beautiful life & bon appetit ;)
Hopefully someone will want to participate in my #detoxchallenge ; even though I said grapes in the video you can do it with whichever organic fruits you may get your hands on

Don't forget, it lasts for 3 days & I can't wait to see your videos! :) Don't forget to use the tag I mentioned so I can find you easier
Until I see you next time, I hope you'll implement some positive changes in your diets & therefore in your lives
You have only 1 life, why play games with yourself?
Fruits are the highest possible frequency food you can ingest in yourself. Pure energy from the sun!
Nature has all the answers you need, look no further, listen to no one else but your inner self :)
▶️ DTube
Inspiring, it's a very cold rainy winter here in New Zealand. I have a vegan diet, but I have been eating a lot of heavy cooked foods as a kind of comfort in the cold.
Today I felt that I could be focussing more on my diet, and watching this is giving me a nudge to eat more fresh foods and do more fasting.
Awesome post, looking forward to hearing how the detox goes
I feel you bro. It is way harder to keep a diet fully raw when the weather is cold
It is possible but not necessary
What I like to do on that kind of situations, I fast for 23 hours & eat in the period of 1 hour
70% raw & 30% cooked, that way you can intake all the micronutrients from superfood smoothie & still eat a delicious cooked/baked plantbased meal :)
Since the fast is super long the benefits attained are even bigger than with eating solo fruits whole day... And you don't need protein if done the right way - cardio in the morning (to throw the toxins out) & resistance training before the meal in the afternoon
That way, you'll manipulate your body to produce 5 times more growth hormone
But you need to sun gaze a bit & meditate. You know it :)
So you have the options. This type of eating will make you age backwards
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for such a quick response! I am going to start fasting right now :P
Sounds great :) I'm currently fasting for 15+ hours, 8 more to go
If you will feel cold since it is cold, physical exercise will do the trick (yoga for example)
And if you get inspired, make sure to throw a post/video with #detoxchallenge, so we can share the word :)
5 days of fasting renews all the cells in our miracle machines :D
Can't get enough of fruit! If I could get a $ for all the grapes that I eat. I'd be a Billionaire. lol
Sounds awesome. You should give it a try & eat solo grapes 3 days straight
I'd be delighted to hear on your experiences! :)
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There's too much sugar in fruit, specially new types under selective breeding. May not be a good choice for the long run. Plus, protein (and fat) content in fruit is very low, so you put your body under unnecessary strain. You may want to check with an expert before sustaining such a diet. ;)
There is no such thing as too much source-sugar, as I said already.
We don't need proteins, only amino acids
Every meat protein is just recycled plant protein
Essential fats are good but in small quantity (too much stress on digestive system)
Fruit is ideal (just goes through you), juicing even better while fasting is the next level of energy preserving ;)
Should I mention the Sun or Meditation, or am I going too far? If the Earthly conditions were perfect, we wouldn't even need food
But they aren't, so we do. Natural food is the only way to go
I don't eat protein & my body is probably stronger than yours (I don't even do resistance training atm)
When it comes to endurance, I can last for days
Sugar in my blood is around 4 (that's perfect) & another indicator how fruit sugar is healing the body opposed to the mainstream beliefs (your beliefs), my body is highly alkalized & clean from toxins
I'd recommend you to find a better expert :)
Or just listen to me & upgrade your life
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Religion. Not science. Keep trying. Next!
Continue with your sh*tposting & being brainwashed. Then speak about religion...
This is an excellent idea, I have done it, your body is clean and you feel very light, plus try the many ways to prepare vegan food.
But this week I started with the diet rich in meats to see how I feel :D
You can't feel good while eating rotten flesh. Btw, all the protein in meat is just recycled plant protein
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But is really tasty hahaha.
Being already vegan I'm already aware of the immense power of plants. I definitely intend to try out the fruitarian lifestyle in the future.
Thanks for uploading!
Try it out! I can guarantee with my experience that you'll be impressed :)
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