Thanks for your comment @fruitdaddy =). I live in Bocas del Toro, in the Caribbean. Are you in Panama too?
Thinking about what you said about normalizing the leather industry. I have noticed how many good fake leather jackets are on the market now. Last time I was in London, everyone had one of those. You can barely see the difference anymore (I have a trained eye for these things lol), but I think it's great that people choose the synthetic stuff now, even if it's mainly cost related. The less demand there is for real leather, the more it will cost because it becomes a luxury item, and the less people will be able to buy it, least that's what I'm hoping.
Oh that is crazy. I'm thinking of moving to Puerto Viejo which is right next to you but in Costa Rica. How does the durian grow in Bocos del Toro?
Ah how cool! I was there once, but prefer Bocas. It's cheaper and the beaches are nicer in my opinion, but I only spent 2 days in Puerto Viejo. Durian doesn't grow here (or at least I haven't seen it). If it does it's not popular.