🍝If You're Not Licking Your Plate, You're Not Doing Pasta Right! 🍝(Vegan+Gluten Free)

in #vegan7 years ago

How do you know when a recipe is fantastic? If there are no leftovers when you make 3x the normal amount for those you’re sharing with!

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My father (an Italian chef) thinks that gluten ‘is a buzz word that some hipster started throwing around to start a fad’…(and ruin good food)…
Of course, as a trained Italian chef, most of his cuisine is based off of glutinous products (breads, pizzas, pastas etc…) So, I can feel his frustration in my own bones whenever these beloved recipes suddenly become ‘intolerable’ to some tummies… especially my tummy (and I love papa’s foods!)

Gluten or Gluten Free?

Due to my habit of getting involved in healing through foods due to the tremendous effects I have had on my own body, I happen to have been involved in several debates about gluten vs gluten-free. The nitty gritty details don’t matter here. I’m not going to site nutritional studies from one side to the next. I am not that kind of health coach. What I say, and I bet you can guess if you know me is…

Trust and listen to your own body!

… if you can tolerate gluten without any issues- great!
… if you can’t and you notice intestinal/gut issues, lethargy, gas after chowing down on it… well I don’t need to tell you this but it’s probably time to kick it to the curb!

I am one of the ones that just can’t quite stomach it… that is unless I want a one way ticket to bed after my meal. No thank you.

That brings us to this recipe. What is a girl who loves pasta to do when pasta makes waves of pain in her tummy?

Start with a gluten-free alternative. I personally adore brown rice vermicelli! I get the brand I am using in this recipe from an Organic store in Malaysia. I strongly recommend using organic products if possible. They are becoming incredibly more accessible, do a quick online search to find where you can pick some up around you!

Star ingredient:

Today’s star ingredient is:
Nutritional Yeast

  • it’s an inactive yeast, sugar-eating energy monster that converts sugar from sugarcane or molasses and turns it into health benefits for us! (I sprinkle it on almost everything for a kick of energy and familiar taste of cheese!)
  • get your vitamins here! I love nutritional yeast because it’s packed full of vitamins including folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, selenium, and zinc!
  • protein? That’s right, this sprinkle-magic also has protein so this all goes back to the great debate of ‘where do vegans get their protein from?’ you’d never think, would you?

Thanks nutritional yeast for making this dish plate-licking delicious!

What you need:

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  • 1 box vermicelli noodles (I used organic, brown rice)
  • 1 package tofu (I used organic, firm tofu from a local producer)
  • 1 package of mushrooms (I used organic, white oyster mushrooms)
  • 5 carrots
  • ½ head cauliflower
  • 1 bunch spring onion
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 handful shallots
  • ½ heads garlic (I LOVE GARLIC)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup almond milk (or nut milk of choice)
  • nutritional yeast
  • coconut oil
  • sea salt

What to do:

  • Boil salt water and prepare your noodles, once soft, drain and set aside

  • Take all your veggies: cauliflower, carrots, spring onion, ½ of your shallots and garlic (save the other half for the sauce) and fry gently in coconut oil (cover on low and let simmer while you move on.)
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  • Cut the tofu into bite size pieces and fry it in coconut oil (I like mine crispy but it’s up to you!)

  • When your veggies are done to your preferred readiness, take them and pour them into a big bowl over your noodles. Cover and set aside.

  • Take 2 tbs coconut oil and fry the rest of the shallots and garlic in it. Add in mushrooms and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Next, add in nut milk. Cover and add in salt and pepper. Let the flavors mingle.

  • (Optional:) blend the sauce (I did for a thicker consistency!)

  • Pour on top of your creation and enjoy!

  • (Optional:) sprinkle nutritional yeast as a parmesan alternative!
    For the picture here, I layered everything so you could see the different elements but when it comes to eating it, I mix everything all together and just shovel it in because it’s too good not to ;)
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I hope you enjoy this healthy alternative. I love the nutritional yeast on top as it adds a cheesy flavor. I chopped the parsley up and gently tossed it all over as well. Feel free to mix it up how you like it!

In this case, there were three of us at the table, each with huge, overloaded plates and plenty of leftovers to spare for the following day...

Or so I thought.

Nothing was left at the end. Not even a lick of sauce on any of the plates. That's how you know you've done an OK jo

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It’s my passion to inspire change and health through food. I used to be one of the most unhealthy eaters you could ever meet and I was miserable, sick and terrible unhealthy. Through changing my diet and adapting new habits, I have transformed my life and I hope to inspire and encourage others to do the same.

Sending you love, through food.

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I'm trying to get into a more vegan lifestyle. I will look up your recipes. thanks for sharing

Hey @raybilson! That is wonderful! I recently wrote 5 easy steps to help with that transition, you can find it on my page if you're interested :) It makes me really excited to read comments like this as it's changed my life so much, I am really eager to share and help others on their journeys so definitely have a browse at my recipes but if there's anything else I can help with, feel free to comment or connect with me on chat. I would be more than happy to help you on your path! <3 Good luck!

Your crispy tofu looks delicious! 🔥 This is a protein packed meal 💪 The nutritional yeast is a great touch 🧀

I am not gluten intolerant, but I still love to have rice noodles with my pasta. 🌱🍝 Have you ever tried buckwheat noodles? I like them a lot too!

Thanks @deliciousplants :) I have had buckwheat noodles and adore them however, I have very limited options where I am so I have to actually import my noodles which can be a pain. If you're ever visiting Bali, please bring me some and I'll make you tons of crispy tofu ;) <3

I personally try not to eat lots of products containing gluten. I think everyone should decide on his on wether to ignore that subject or take it seriously.

I agree, I believe our bodies know best and it's for them and each individual to assess their own body's needs :) I'm a lover, and I just love people being happy and healthy ;)

Good jop friend.
Upvote and resteem

<3 thank you my dear =D

Yes you are welcome.

once if you have time look at my friend's blog

it sound healthy diet plan

Yes! That is my goal to share healthy recipes that are also yummy :)

Thats one good looking meal right there. Come see my recent post for a dessert idea.

Do you know that often people who have gluten issues can often struggle with other grains too? I know this from personal experience, although brown and organic is the best option for the rice as you suggested, this is actually a much healthier alternative than what is marketed in the supermarket as "gluten free pasta" that has very little nutritional value. Good recipe :-)

Yes I do know that and to be honest I rarely eat rice even though I live in SE Asia where rice is in everything. I find it can be hard on me if I have it too much so it's not included in very many of my recipes. I do tend to work with what I have though and I know that in many places gluten free products can end up being full of so many fillers and horrifying ingredients that they no longer serve as a better alternative. I can say from my experience though that organic makes a huge difference, not having to process the chemicals is really noticeable for me. I hope you're able to find a brand that works for you. <3

Ah yes I completely agree about organic food, when you look at the horrific list of things that are put into non organic food, it really is no wonder that people are becoming ill, in your country does organic food cost much more? It does here, it is insanely overpriced, it always seems to be the capitalism creates a worse alternative so it can then make a bigger profit from the good things then costing more. :-/

Oh I completely agree! Well, I am from Canada and lived in the USA for years and I know in both of those places the severity of the costs associated with organic food...

In Bali, where I live now, because the cost of living is much lower, it's much more affordable but there is still the incredible difference in conventional vs organic which is truly frustrating.

I know that there are ways being surfaced now to try to correct that problem so people can have a right to healthy, non toxic food. I can't wait for that day to come! <3

That is good that the cost is lower where you are, I think there are certain areas where corporations should not be allowed to control to make vast profits, food and healthcare are two of those things, the fact that it can make money from either denying people healthy food or denying them healthcare when they then get ill because of it seems to be very wrong.

It should be a human right, don't you think? :-)

Haha my friend, you have no idea how much I think that! I try not to get too political on here but much of my life is devoted to this exact problem. On here, I try to inspire change through recipes and gently nutritional coaching but in my quote on quote real life I actually have a NPO in the states whose mission is in short redefining our food source so, I am 100% on board with you. Changes are coming. Healthy food is a right, not a privilege. <3

Thats really cool that you do that, so what sort of recipes and coaching do you do in respects to nutrition? I have had a lot of health issues because of bad diet and I am just trying to recover now, the damage that bad food can do to the human body is really terrible, I think people do not realise the dangers of junk food. Even the fact that its called JUNK FOOD, I mean thats not a good sign is it? :-/

What does your organisation do? Sounds good :-)

Always licking my plate! :D Good post, nutritional yeast truly is a must when eating pasta, both tastewise and nutritionwise!

Haha, it's the BEST way... maybe society doesn't like it at restaurants but in the safety of your own home, totally OK :) I couldn't agree with you more about the nutrional yeast. When I run out of it (because I have to import it) I start to panic haha :) Have a great day!

Nice recipe, love it! And I absolutely love nutritional yeast.. I don't just "sprinkle" it over my food, I pour loads of it over everything I eat :D

Hahaha well, it's the vegan way ;) I have had to start learning to go easier on it because I have to import it so, I wish I could just eat spoonfuls. I would be so OK with that :)

Because your dad is Italian :) I am Tunisian and we have the same culture of eating Pizza, Pasta and bread. Cant imagine that one day I will stop eating them.
I am was successful and stopped eating chicken and red meat. Now I follow veg recipes and raw food recipes. I feel a big change in my body, but seriously Pizza is irresistible :(
That was yummy, thank you for sharing!

Awww wow! Well, I certainly understand how hard it is mentally to give up the foods we grew up on. I had the HARDEST time with pizza until I figured out how to make it better for me, now it's a treat that I can enjoy without any pain in my stomach. My dad's pizza is incredible though so it is sad for me to think about missing it ;)

Sounds like you're doing great though, you know small steps are a great way to get wherever you're looking to go for your health! I'm happy to hear you're feeling better in your body and hope I can keep sharing recipes that encourage you to try <3

I might just try and make that dish it looks yummy heart to heart thank you

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

It's a really good one to try because it's actually quite easy (sometimes I make things that are more complicated than they need to be haha) let me know how it goes for you =D

awww I will try my best heart! and Thank you! heart-to-heart great to get your interpretation on my last art post called "Attachment" your insight would help us : )its the 7th post on my blog.

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

You got it my friend :) I just took a look and left my interpretation there :)

I'm so glad I have my own bowl of creamy red lentil pasta to eat while looking at your recipe so I am not quite so jealous! I agree with being able to lick the bowl clean, and nutritional yeast is the most amazing ingredient for pasta (and so many other things)! Wonderful recipe my friend! I hope you are enjoying your vacation!

mmmmm yummy... red lentil pasta... OK so I am reading this from my bed in Maldives where I have been surviving off of what I have convinced them to make for me... vegetables in rice, no spice, no nothing haha it's challenging being vegan here. Wanna send me some of that bowl? Bet you have already eaten it all... darn now I am hungry girl! :) <3

Oh boy, that's a little disappointing! I guess it is still pretty challenging some places to find clean, whole foods to eat! Seems like they think if you're on vacation you just want to be a hedonist in all forms! Glad you are making it work! Looks like at least you have some beautiful scenery to feed your spirit if not good food to feed your body! ;P

It can be ya, I find over here, meat is just the staple in everything and with language barriers it is so hard to make sure no butter, no milk, no eggs... but I am working on it haha

I just took a whole day to get to the agricultural island so I can be showered in papaya and watermelon. They think I am crazy, I am in heaven ;)

I don't know how you will do it, but you need to send this through the screen right now. Haha

Working on that technology ;)

Hahahaha that would be perfect. Just know i would be interested in all your delicacies.

This was a great post! I can just hear your dad ranting! lol

Also, I saw your super pretty page break with the heart and wondered if that was unique to you or available for the public! Hope you have a great day!

Haha that's an idea... I should definitely get him to rant on video. I have a feeling it might get circulated slightly haha

That page break was given to me by a friend so it doesn't bother me at all if you want to go ahead and use it :) <3 Thanks for asking!

You're welcome, and thanks for permission..it's super cute!

I think you should definitely get him ranting then record it! Haha

I'm catching up with him again next week, I am POSITIVE there will be more where this one came from, I'll have my camera ready ;)

I also feel better when I avoid gluten!
Great recipe 😋

I think for some people, their bodies just can't process it the same as others so I love being able to share alternatives for those that have more sensitive tummies <3 I'm happy you liked it!

oooh this looks goood 😋

Oh trust me, it is... and it's making me hungry thinking about it <3 When I get home, we'll get things going again =D