Howdy there Miss Lena! well this is another amazing looking but totally foreign looking dish! lol. But I can tell that it would be very tasty and that Almond Feta is very interesting too and that stuff is a foreign concept also. How do you use the Almond Feta, like a block of cheese? I guess it's real dense?
Anyway the recipes look wonderful and the photos are totally professional, a work of art!
This dish is even foreign to me, lol. I never made anything like this before, but that's the fun about being vegan. Well, except almond Feta, I made many times. It is quite soft and creamy and you can eat it with crackers or other salads. Very high in protein by the way.
Thank you so much for stopping by Janton and for stroking my ego. You do it so well, lol.
haha! stoking your ego....well I'm just stating the facts but if it helps your confidence then that is my pleasure but your posts are so beautiful that you shouldn't need a confidence boost! lol.
But that Almond Feta sounds like a delicious dip for crackers. Now I just gotta find a good gluten free cracker recipe.
There is never enough compliments, lol. However, I have gluten free crackers recipe and they are delicious. But do you know Mary's crackers? The best on the market! Check out the website if you don't know them!
oh wow Miss Lena.. I just went to the Mary's crackers website, that looks amazing and just what I need!
Well I am glad to hear that!! You can order online if they don't have it in your supermarket. But you better check, because they should.
Well I would be surprised it they did but I'll check. We've checked around before and found nothing at all, not a single product that was gluten free but hopefully things are changing because don't you think that gluten free is becoming real popular?
Where exactly do you live Janton? Our supermarkets are full of gluten free products. We have all sections of them. And Mary's crackers are not even new product; I know them for 14 years! In addition, they are an American brand.