Yours is a position of infinite need. You need people to believe the way that you do. You need the social truth of 'denial' to mean what you say it is. You need gods truth to mean your truth to maintain a superior claim of morality. You need the 'imbalance' to be understood as you understand it. You need people to be what you think they should be in order for your balance to occur.
There are positions that see people as they are, that don't require vast amounts if social need/engineering as a starting point.
I disagree and see no evidence for that. You are welcome to provide some.
No, I don't. Actually I have written extensively on the need to dispose of all beliefs.
Again, no - denial has nothing to do with opinion or preference. Anything, pretty much can be denied and it is pretty much the dictionary definition I am using.
Again, no - you are judging here 100%. I actually understand that every human is a piece of God. I also understand that all is one.
My position began there.
You have listed several needs which you claim are mine, but which I know are not. Even if you were correct about them, that is still only several needs and certainly not anywhere near an infinite number of needs. I am not sure exactly how you thought that guessing/projecting/creating some needs would respond to my call for evidence of infinite needs anyway, since infinite literally means 'never ends' - so you would literally need to just keep writing new needs for the rest of your life to even come close to providing evidence of your claim.