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RE: The difference is your attitude.

in #vegan8 years ago

Actually, producing meat is one of the greatest contributors to world hunger...think about all of the land in this entire universe. The idea that there isn't enough land to support growing crops for the hungry in other countries is a joke. Majority of all of the grains in the east are actually sold to the rich in the west in order to feed the livestock that humans are consuming. If currently the U.S. produces enough food to feed the entire globe then why are so many still hungry? Yes - distribution of food is completely out of whack. But I think that starts at the source.

Also, it takes about 2500 gallons of water to produce only 1 lb of meat, which is equivalent to growing about 50 lbs of fruits and vegetables. Think about that for a second. So much water is being wasted so we can continue a very cruel and gruesome act in order for the taste palate to be satisfied for just one moment.



all very good points here kbvictor. my point was the waste really, the numbers i was going off of are almost a decade old but i can only assume weve gotten better at production not worse so... i think simple laws like france has could at least help actually put a dent in hunger even if just for those that go hungry in the u.s. (laws regarding edible food being thrown out)