That's a very fair point. As a vegan I'm sure you get people talk down to you all the time saying how you 'can't possibly survive without protein', like saying meat is the ONLY protein source in the world. I'm sure you've lost count the amount of times you've wanted to say in a Samuel L Jackson voice, "Beans, mothafucka!!!"
Sadly I've just had a girl on the ASWD page tell me 'Don't worry, it's not your fault that you've been brainwashed...' (Or something along those lines. My memory isn't as good as it used to be...) because I said that I couldn't go vegan forever because I love the taste of meat and chocolate too much. It's hard to not become closed minded when you interact with people like that, but I'm very lucky to have friends like you and Jamie who are so open minded and don't judge people, but simply give people the information gently and let them read/watch it in their own time.
Yeah it's a practice of "grace" lol and we both know I've been a bit rough round the edges with mine at times. Patience truly is a virtue and well mate, the truth is I've never forgotten that I thought I was addicted to dead fried chicken and cows ass steaks most of my life.
About that other persons opinion, again I say in my best Sam L Jackson voice, "Who gives a fuck, mothafucka?" People are always going to think and say what they want. Point is, let's not close our minds just because others do. Thanks for being open and living your life inquisitively. Real recognize real as one says, don't pay none to the dumb stuff.
Ps. Protein is in almost EVERYTHING. That's one of the biggest meat and diary funded fallacies that gets throw about mindlessly. There's more protein in broccoli than cows flesh per calorie for example. Don't trust me, just look it up on t'internet if you feel to 👍
The sad thing is, she sent me an aggressive reply, then deleted the thread. I don't know if she read it back and realised she came across very rude, or if it was a childish attempt to 'get the last word in'. But it does leave a sour taste in the mouth. I'm literally becoming a vegan (albeit for a month) and she didn't like it because I wasn't doing it for the same reasons she does. Luckily I know that not all vegans are like that, because that alone would have put me off this vegan thing if I didn't...
Yeah I knew that there was a lot of protein in broccoli. I haven't done that much research in all honesty but I know there are certain veggies that have a surprising amount of protein in it...
Put it this way, if we all got put off doing what we wanted at the slightest rude or aggressive reply things would not be looking too great for humanity lol.
Bro, if it means anything I've said before and I'll say it again. It takes big balls to question your beliefs and to stand by your values. I respect you and because I said that you have to do what I say ok? LOL!
Oh the protein thing, yeah my point was simply that whole meat vs plant protein conversation is a waste of time. Plant proteins are far more readily bio-available than animal flesh, plants also support a more alkaline digestive system. To digest flesh the body has to be more acidic which is a perfect bacterial breading ground for things like cancer cells and other nasty shit like parasitic overgrowth. That's how good and healthy it is from my humble perspective.
Anyway, there I go being "that vegan" again. This conversation thread itself has gone on pretty long and will have bored the pants off of many a aspiring vegan. Many people would even see it as condescending of me so hopefully you know me well enough to know I'm coming from love and that I don't really give a shit if they do. You know me, it's all vegan gravy baby.
All the research is out there for anyone to study if they feel to. Thankfully there's plenty of documentaries too that lay it all out for those too tired to fact check for themselves and then finally, I agree many vegans could take a chill on spreading the word and simply focus on living by their example and showing love to ALL beings. Including meat-eating ones.
I'm done bro. Dropping the mic.. (for now lol)
Ps. Here's that video series I mentioned to you early on, good for some late night viewing as you chew on your choices hahahaaa! :)